KBA-01455: Import Data: Importing Paid Sub/Vendor Pay Requests

Purpose & Scope:

When importing data from your old system into your new Spitfire system for Go-Live, Spitfire supports importing one summary Pay Request per commitment for those Pay Requests you have already paid, and Spitfire also supports importing Open Pay Requests.


When importing data from your old system into your new Spitfire system for Go-Live, you will import a Summary Pay Request per Commitment. For example, if you‘ve paid your Subcontractor for 3 invoices, enter data to create a summary Pay Request for Invoices 1 through 3. If you choose to import Unpaid Sub Pay Requests, you will enter these open Pay Requests on another tab of the ImportCommitments Excel workbook.

For Spitfire systems integrated with Microsoft Dynamics SL, depending upon your AP Go-Live Configuration, you may or may not want the ‘paid‘ Pay Requests to post through to AP, but you will want the data to post to Contract Management so that your Commitment/Subcontract shows the accurate Actual and Committed Amounts.

During the Import Process, Spitfire will create Pay Requests in Spitfire and populate the Microsoft Dynamics SL Contract Management module with the approved Pay Requests. You will want to ‘approve/post‘ these Pay Requests in Contract Management so that Microsoft Dynamics SL accurately tracks Actual and Committed Amounts. Once the vouchers are created in AP, you can then decide to post in AP and through to GL or you can decide to mark the vouchers in these batches as closed with a Doc Balance of $0.00. This will allow the Microsoft Dynamics SL Project series to use the imported data without leaving unpaid vouchers in AP.

If you decide not to process these imported Pay Requests and post through to GL, you can edit the data using the following steps:

  1. In GL Setup screen, turn off Automatic Batch Posting for All modules (choose Disable).
  2. In AP, release and post all the AP batches of the vouchers created by imported pay requests and posted/approved in Contract Management | Subcontractor Payment Review and Approval.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to make note of the Batch Numbers.
  3. Close all Dynamics SL screens.
  4. Turn on ‘Initialization Mode‘.
  5. In GL, open Journal Transaction Entry.
    • Select the AP module.
    • In Batch, use F3 to select the Batch Number(s) from Step 2.
    • On the Toolbar, click the Delete Key (X) and confirm that you want to delete this batch.
  6. Close all Dynamics SL screens and Turn off ‘Initialization Mode‘.
  7. In SQL Server, run the following script (replace xxxxx with your data).
Begin Transaction
   UPDATE APDoc SET DocBal = '0.00', 
      CuryDocBal = '0.00', 
      OpenDoc = '0', 
      PerClosed = '2010xx' 
      WHERE BatNbr = 'xxxxxx'
Rollback Transaction
Commit Transaction

(Choose to Rollback Transaction or Commit Transaction as appropriate.)

KBA-01455; Last updated: January 5, 2018 at 16:48 pm;
Keywords:  Go-Live import, importing Pay Requests