Routing Capabilities

Access to a document also gives that user access to the Route detail tab on the document and permission to view and edit (“thumbs up”, change status, add a Rsp) his or her routee row. Routing is also governed by the following capabilities.

DOC | Can route a document back to originator (R)

  • R allows the user to select the Restarted route option in order to send the document back to the originator.

DOC | Can route a document back to prior sequence (R)

  • R allows the user to select the Sent Back route option in order to send the document back to the prior routee.

DOC | Can preview output (R)

  • R allows the user to use the icon to preview or view the content that will be, or was, routed to a routee.
  • I allows the user to use the icon on the Attachments tab to download “route-able” content (i.e., all attachments that are not “Not Sent”)

DOC | Document Routees (RIUD)

Note: no permission is needed to see the Route tab if you are on the route; otherwise, only users with the I permission below can see the tab.

  • R allows the user to view all routees in the Route Detail grid of the document.
  • I allows the user to add a routee to the route, and see the Route tab is not on the route.
  • U allows the user to edit the rows of routees who have not yet taken action on the document.
  • D allows the user to delete the rows of routees who have not yet taken action on the document.

PAGE | Auto Add Routee Options (R)

  • R allows the user to use the Build Route option.

PAGE | Can Load an Alternate Route (R)

  • R allows the user to use the Append Route and Reset Route options.

Routee Options Menu

Most options on the routee drop-down menu are governed, not by capabilities, but by whether the user is a Collaborator or not.  (Users who have no edit rights and are not Collaborators can only edit Notes and Mark the document as Unread.) Three options, however, do require specific capabilities.

DOC | Can Resend Fax/Email (R)

  • R allows the user to send or resend the document via email to the routee who is the “current” routee.

PAGE | Can change Route Via (R)

  • R allows a user who has document update rights to change the Route Via status of the routee.

DOC | Can edit workflow (R)

Note: the routee on the row must be Spitfire in order for the Edit Workflow option to appear on the menu.

  • R allows the user to create and edit an automatic workflow script.