The qTeam Alias for Bookmark Templates

Did You Know?

Spitfire distributes the qTeam alias as one of the “qAliases” that can be used in bookmarks on Microsoft Word templates. The qTeam alias allows you to include the names and related information of all non-hidden members of a Project Team on a Word template.

Where qTeam is defined:

The qTeam alias is defined in the WordTemplateConfig rule group in the Rule Maintenance tool. You can use this qAlias as distributed.

The fieldnames that can be used with qTeam:

qTeam can be combined with the following fieldnames to form bookmarks.  (qTeam_UserName, qTeam_TeamRole and qTeamEmail are used in the example below.)

            • UserName
            • TeamRole
            • Addr1
            • Addr2
            • City
            • State
            • Zip
            • Email
            • Phone
            • Cell
            • Fax


One kind of bookmark template that you can create is the Email Body template. This template appears in the body of emails that are sent to “via emails” routees. [See Tips for Better Email Body Templates] The sample template below uses the common bookmarks of DocHeader_Project and DV_DocHeader_Project to pull the document’s Project ID and name onto the body of the email.

It also uses a table and three qTeam bookmarks to include a list of the members of the Project Team (who are not hidden on the Team Contacts part of the Project Dashboard).