Routes: Detail and Rule Considerations

Detail Considerations

When creating your list of routees, consider the following:

  • Which individuals or riles do you want to include in your route?
  • Will the route include any ATC workflow scripts?
  • Should the role (if using roles) be limited to those contacts also matching the Source Contact?
  • Will the routing be sequential (first one routee then the next, and so on) or parallel (multiple routees at the same time) or a mixture of both?
  • What access level should the routees who normally have read-only access be granted: View or Collaborate?
  • What routing status (Pending, Pending Any, CC’d) should each routee be granted?
  • Do you want the route due date to be set automatically, based upon when the route is triggered?
  • Should any routees get transmittals and be noted in the transmittal log report?
  • Should routees who are duplicated on the route appear only once?
  • Should any of the routees become the new “e-mail from” person for subsequent routees?


Rule Considerations

When creating your list of rule criteria, you’ll need to determine if the following conditions should be considered for the predefined route:

  • Specific Doc Types?
  • A specific document subtype?
  • A specific Source Contact (Customer or Vendor)?
  • A specific Responsible Party?
  • A specific project or only documents on a project with no Project ID or only documents on a project with a Project ID?
  • A specific project subtype?
  • A specific reference or global reference?
  • A specific document priority?
  • A specific document status?
  • A specific company division?
  • Values over or under a set amount?