Contacts Dashboard Capabilities


The Contacts Dashboard is made up of three parts: the View List (Contacts or Companies), the corresponding list, and the filters. Access to the dashboard includes access to the filters. The following capabilities govern the Contacts Dashboard. [See also Project Dashboard Capabilities for capabilities pertaining to Team Contacts.]

Note: Capabilities related to the Contact Dashboard must be added to global roles (not project-specific roles).

PAGE | Contacts Dashboard (R)

  • R allows the user to access the Contacts Dashboard with Contacts grid view only.

SYS | Contact Maintenance (RIUDS)

  • R allows the user to view Details for listed Contacts, view the Companies list and view Details for the Companies.
  • I + U allows the user to edit existing Companies, as well as to add new Contacts and edit existing Contacts, but excludes the ability to make an Contact a “Spitfire user” or to grant membership in any role.
  • D allows the user to delete new and unused Contact and Company records.
  • S allows the user
    • to change a password without entering the old password.
    • to uncheck the “must change password” option


SYS | Grant Contacts ability to log into the system (R)

  • R allows the user to make a new Contact a “Spitfire user” and to see roles that include PAGE capabilities that the user does not have.

SYS | Add roles to contacts (RIS)

  • R allows the user to grant “work” roles (those with a Responsibility but no Capabilities) to Contacts.  If the user also has the Grant Contacts ability to log into the system capability, R allows the user to grant page-access roles to Contacts.
  • I allows the user to add roles to a Contact, as long as the user has the equivalent capabilities within the user’s roles.
  • S allows the user to add any role to a Contact.

SYS | Contact Company Details (RI) [V23+]

  • R is a required permission for this capability.
  • I allows the user to add rows on the Contact’s Identities tab. 

LIST | Can merge two contacts (RIS)

  • R is a required permission for this capability.
  • I allows the user to to move a Contact into a different Company.
  • S allows the user to merge two Contact records.

DOC | Can be designated as another users proxy (RIS)

  • R allows the user (through a role) to be selected as a Proxy for another user on the Contact Detail window.
  • I allows a user who also has the CSTM | Internal Staff capability to proxy for any route that is
    • for a non-user Contact or
    • for a Contact without an Employee ID or
    • not web-routed
  • S allows the role to be a Proxy for all users.


SYS | Can add Primary Companies (RI)

  • R is a required permission for this capability.
  • I allows the user to add new primary Companies. (Requires also SYS | Contact Maintenance)

SYS | Can get ID for customer or vendor company (R)

  • R allows the user to assign an ID to a company that does not already have one (integrated sites only).

SYS | Contact Company Details (RIUD)

  • R is a required permission for this capability.
  • I allows the user to add rows on the CSI, Region and Attributes tabs on the Company Detail window.
  • U allows the user to edit existing rows on the CSI, Region and Attributes tabs.
  • D allows the user to delete existing rows on the CSI, Region and Attributes tab.

On-the-fly Contacts

Although not on the Contacts Dashboard, the On-the-Fly Contacts window that appears in various places in the system requires a contact-related capability.

SYS | Can Add Contact On the Fly (RIUS)

  • R + I allows the user to view/open the pop-up Contacts window and enter information on the fields.  A current company is required for the Company field.
  • U allows the user to edit the name, email, title and familiar name on-the-fly using the Contact Info Card popup.
  • S allows the user to enter an unknown company in the Company field.
    Note: a company record will not be created automatically for new companies.

Contact Lookups

Although not on the Contacts Dashboard, the Contact Lookup that appears in various places in the system requires a contact-related capability. Note: when looking up contacts, users will see only the names of those Contacts who are public, who have the same company as themselves, who have the same Vendor ID as themselves, or who have the same Customer ID as themselves.

LIST | Can see all contacts (R)

  • R allows the user to view all Contacts on a Contact Lookup.