ATC: DISPATCH as $Variable | Status  Code x freeform note

This command routes a document forward or backward and can include the Route Response code and Note. The command also stores “Dispatched via Workflow” in the route note and sets the TargetRow workflow alias so you can use ATC: SET and ATC: IF commands in conjunction with ATC” DISPATCH.

  • as is optional and included only for readability.
  • $Variable is required if no status is included. If used, the variable must include a route status.
  • Status is required if no variable is included. Only one of the following route statuses can be used in the command:
    • Held sets the route status to Held.
    • Restart sets the route status to Restarted.
    • Back sets the route status to Sent Back.
    • Responded, Auto and * set the route status to Responded (the equivalent of thumbs up forward). Only one version of this status can be used at a time.
    • Sent sets the route status to Sent On.
    • Skip sets the route status to No Action.
  • Code x sets the route response code to x, where x is valid response code letter (typically R or  A).
  • freeform response note sets the Note that appears in the route response Note field. If included, it must come last in the command. All verbiage is stored in to the route response note.  A $variable can be used and is required for HTML formatted notes.


ATC: TARGET DocRoute BY Sequence DESC WITH Sequence < 100 and ResponseCode in ('A','R');
ATC: IF TargetRow.ResponseCode = A
    ATC: SET Status =  K
ATC: IF TargetRow.ResponseCode = R
    ATC: SET Status = J
    ATC: DISPATCH as Restart

The above example means “find the last row in the current stage of the route with a sequence number less than 100 and a response code of either A or R, then evaluate: if the code is A (Approved), set the Doc status to K (Approved) and if the code is R (Rejected), set the Doc status to J (Approved Rejected) and Restart the route.”

Last updated: September 5, 2024 at 15:25 pm;  green text = new