Adding a “Create Doc” Option to a Document
Question: I notice that some Doc types include a “Create doc” option on the burger drop-down menu. Is there a…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: I notice that some Doc types include a “Create doc” option on the burger drop-down menu. Is there a…
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Did You Know? In Power UX, the backend filters in the Catalog Dashboard allow you to quickly find documents and…
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Question: I am using Power UX. My project’s Cost Analysis Detail part shows data filtered by Cost Code by default….
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Question: When I copy a document (using the Copy Doc option), I am able to indicate if I want to…
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Did You Know? In Power UX, you can right-mouse-click on a filename in the Catalog and pull up an options…
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Question: I use the Export option in BFA to get a copy of my budget rows. Sometimes my export includes…
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Question: When I switch certain Doc types to Power UX, I notice that certain read-only fields on the Details tab…
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Question: Our site syncs to the Cloud (see Cloud Storage Integration). When using Power UX, we notice icons in the…
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Question: I have noticed that on Commitment Change Orders (CCOs), I can enter the Quantity and Rate for some of…
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Did You Know? When you need to manually add one or more people to a document route, you can either…
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