The Templates Part

When you select the Templates tool, the corresponding part appears:


Doc Type The document type for which this template is available. A blank Doc Type indicates the template is available for all Doc Types (or does not apply to documents).
Name The name of the template, for example, the filename of the Microsoft Word or Excel file.
Type The type of template
Description A description of the template. This description can help users identify the template in selection dialog boxes.
Division The specific internal company division, as set up through the Company Devisions tool, for which this template is available.
Doc Reference A reference, as set up though the Reference tool, for which this template is available.
Customer A specific customer Contact, as set up through the Contacts Dashboard, for which this template is available.
Project Type The specific project subtype, as indicated on the Project Setup document, for which this template is available.
Include The Incl setting that will appear by default when files created by the template are attached to documents.
Bookmarks Whether or not the template includes bookmarks and will merge data from a Spitfire document.
Note: If Bookmarks is not selected, no merging of data will occur even in the template includes bookmarks.
Size The size of the template file.
Active Whether or not the template can be used and selected in sfPMS.
Updated The date on which the template was last uploaded into sfPMS.


Names Like Type the first characters or use the wildcard (%) to find one or more specific template by Name.
Type Select a Type from the drop-down list.
Doc Type Select a Doc Type from the drop-down list.