The Spitfire ATC service and the web application communicate via TCP. The sfATC installation includes a remote command tool that allows for troubleshooting and diagnostics.
Additional Comments:
You can type anything you want on the send line, but the remote tool includes the following command templates in a drop down list. In any command, sitename is replaced by the currently selected site and action is replaced by the current selection from the action drop down.. Text in italics can be replaced.
Command Templates
Echo this is a test…
This command just verifies ATC is receiving and sending normally.
State action sitename
This command returns information about the specified task (ReadPopMail for example), including when it was last run.
Status brief
This command responds with how long ATC has been running, its state (running or paused), the size of the queue and a list of any active tasks.
Status with config
This command returns the information above AND the configuration data for tasks.
Summary info
This command returns information similar to the information logged on an hourly basis while the service is running.
This command sends a detailed email to the specified address. The email includes information for the last STATE of each task and everything on the task queue. This command can also be sent via email: see KBA-01592.
Enable action sitename
This command enables the specified task (ReadPopMail for example).
Disable action sitename
This command disables the specified task (ReadPopMail for example).
XTask ERPData sitename now
This command executes a real time task. (Currently for XTS data integration.)
Logging ( Debug or Normal or Verbose)
This command sets logging level:
- Normal is the default.
- Verbose provides information for every task started.
- Debug level includes frequent emails to support, so use this setting sparingly.
LoadConfig *
This command reloads all configuration data.
Restart *
This command will restart the service at the next opportunity.
Pause now
This command pauses the service, so no scheduled or queued tasks will be run. (XTASKs will still be performed). There is a ‘Send Pause‘ button to facilitate this.
Resume now
This command un-pauses the task service. Both scheduled and queued tasks will be processed.
ATC Actions
The following actions are available, shown here combined with the ENQUE command:
Enque AlertNotifications sitename now
This command forwards alerts via email.
Enque CloudSync sitename now
This command processes the Cloud Drive Synchronization queue.
Enque ERPData sitename now
This command processes the XTS Action Queue (see XTask) above.
Enque DocRouteMail sitename guid
This command processes the outbound email pending for the document specified by the DocMasterKey GUID.
Enque Housekeeping now
This command runs the housekeeping task to clean up temporary files and perform garbage collection. This command might decide it should recycle the service.
Enque InBox sitename now
This command performs the INBOX tasks. ATC looks for documents and ALERTS routed to the special ATC SPITFIRE! user. It will perform workflow and send on documents as appropriate. This task can also re-queue outbound email for documents that are waiting in the long term queue.
Enque PullUpdate sitename now
This command instructs ATC to connect to the Spitfire SWS server to check for an update and pull any updated files. The most recent version of the ICTool pull update tool is used to pull the update. The level (eg RC, GA, Stable) last requested by ICTool is used.
Enque ReadPopMail sitename now
This command connects to the pop server to check for inbound email.
Enque MODI-OCR sitename
This command checks if any catalog files are pending text extraction and summarization.
Enque Weather sitename now
This command enumerates ZIP codes for active projects and acquires weather readings for those locations.
Batch File
The ATC Remote Tool looks for ATCRemoteBatch.txt in C:\Spitfire. If this file is found, the Send Batch button is enabled. If the file starts with *AutoSend, then the commands are send automatically upon startup. For example:
*AutoSend (on startup) Pause Now Logging Verbose *Disable (some task) here... repeat for various tasks Resume now Status Brief
You can use Windows PowerShell to restart the service
get-service -name sfATC | restart-service
You can also use Windows PowerShell to see the service log file (after determining the log file path and name)
get-content -tail 1 -wait 'C:\Windows\Temp\SPITFIRE\SFATC-Temp\sfATC-20221206@0640#11364.log'
KBA-01573; Last updated: December 7, 2022 at 11:12 am