KBA-01176: Overview of the BudgetConfig Rules


The BudgetConfig rules control various optional behaviors of budgeting.

The BudgetConfig rule group is found in the Rules Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard. Each rule in the group consists of a rule name, a filter value (which can be blank) and a result value.

Filter Values:

Certain Doc Types 

The BudgetConfig rules accept any Doc type (as defined in the Doc Types tool and appearing on the filter drop-down) as the filter value. However, only the Doc types of Budget, Change Order, Commitment, CCO, Forecast, Pay Requests, Period Distribution/Project Cash Flow, and Project Setup are relevant to these rules.

Result Values:


Result values for the BudgetConfig rules depend on the rule and are indicated within the description of each rule. Some rules are enabled and disabled through a checkbox in the result value, for example:

Rule showing checkbox result value



Specifies (in the result value) the number of months beyond “last month” to delay replacing previously distributed estimates with the actual values for that month in a Period Distribution workbook. The month prior to the “lag” months will be the one that replaces estimated values with actual values. Zero indicates the immediately prior period will use actual values and not allow user input. Values greater than zero introduce lag. For example, in June a result value of 2 means 3 months prior (May–the previous month plus 2 more–April and March) and the month to have actual values replace estimate values is February. The rule does not accept a filter value and applies only to Period Distribution workbooks. To turn the rule off, use -1 as the result value.

Note: If the last period in the Period Distribution workbook is earlier than the current period, the ActualDistributionLag rule is deactivated within the context of the Period Distribution.  This preserves history in prior distribution workbooks.

Note: This rule supersedes the forecast distribution and makes percent spent more accurate.  Since earned revenue is based upon percent spent, earned revenue benefits from this feature.

Note: In V23, the Period Distribution Doc type was renamed Project Cash Flow and the Period Distribution (PD) workbook was renamed Project Cash Flow (PCF) workbook.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether a document can be posted without updating budget targets.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether a budget revision can be posted to a prior fiscal period.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the applicable Doc type (Commitment, CCO or Period Distribution/Project Cash Flow) should automatically generate budget revisions. When enabled, Budget Revision and/or Forecast documents may be created and attached to the source document depending on the targets specified in the InitialTargets and UpdateTargets rules (below). Note: if CCO or Commitment revisions are disabled in this way, project Change Orders will no longer post expenses from these documents.

  • unchecked = No.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value) how financial snapshots of the project are to be created.

  • 0 = create manually, such as for Budgets and Forecasts (default)
  • 129 = load (create) automatically with the document window.
  • 139 = load (create) an Analysis snapshot automatically with the document window.
    Analysis snapshots are recreated if the document state has remained open and any other project data has posted.


Specifies (in the result value) the title for the Bid Budget document. The default is As Bid Budget. (See also the ProjectConfig | BidBudget rule in KBA-01153.)


Specifies (in the result value) which budgets are updated by default on the Bid Budget document. This rule is only referenced when the As Bid Budget document is created on a new project. (See also the ProjectConfig | BidBudget rule in KBA-01153.)

  • 0 = No Target
  • 1 = Original/Bid
  • 2 = EAC
  • 3 = Original/Bid and EAC
  • 4 = FAC
  • 6 = EAC and FAC (valid for Change Order documents only in V2016). This exports to Microsoft Dynamics SL as two revisions.
  • 7 = Original/Bid and EAC and FAC


Specifies (in the result value) the percent increase to apply to expense amounts in a Period Distribution workbook to determine the revenue distribution for new periods. Values from -1 to 100 are valid. When the value is -1 (minus one), the feature is disabled (the default).  If the value is set to 100, then the cost code will automatically calculate the uplift percentage based on the ratio of the Project Expense to the Project Revenue. If this rule is in use, an * will appear after the source of data label on the Period Distribution workbook. If the rule does not exist, the default behavior of manual project revenue distribution remains.

Notes: This rule should be used only when the revenue is assigned to a single cost code and there is a single revenue row in the budget. If the last period in the Period Distribution workbook is earlier than the current period, the BillingUplift rule is ignored. This protects historical data.

Note: In V23, the Period Distribution Doc type was renamed Project Cash Flow and the Period Distribution (PD) workbook was renamed Project Cash Flow (PCF) workbook.


Specifies (in the result value) the Budget SubType code (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) that will be given to budget revision documents automatically created from the specified filter Doc type. This rule aids in setting up predefined routing for Budgets based on how they were created.


Specifies (in the result value) the semicolon-separated list that indicates the names for the Original, EAC and FAC budget targets. There is no filter for this rule. The default is Original;EAC;FAC.  You must specify three targets here.  If you wish to hide a target in some contexts, see ValidTargets below.


(For internal use only).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Item allocation lines should allow the expense and revenue amounts to be edited manually.  Note that recalculating the allocation will revert any manual changes.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) the type to set as a default for the first row in the Change Item (CI) Budget Entries. (After the first row, the type will default to the type previously selected.)

  • RR = Revenue
  • RQ = RFQ
  • SP = Self-Perform (default)
  • SN = Commitment
  • SG = CCO


Specifies (in the result value) the Commitment line number that a CCO should link to, when the CCO is generated by a Change Order.

  • 0 = add new lines (default)
  • 0001 = use line 0001 of the Commitment
  • 000n = use the nth line of the Commitment. If the nth line is not found, the next sequential line will be added.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Orders should automatically merge the generated CCO documents immediately after expenses are posted.  Only Potential CO or Change Order are supported as filter Doc types at this time.

  • unchecked = No (default, keeps individual CCOs).
  • checked = Yes (CCOs for same Commitment are merged).


[V23+] Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Orders should automatically create budget revisions for generated child Commitment and CCO documents, according to AutomaticBudgetRevision (see above) rules.  Only Commitment or CCO are supported as filter Doc types at this time.  If NO, this rule overrides the AutomaticBudgetRevisions rule, which may need to be ON for other workflows, and Change Orders will create budget revisions only on other Budget Entry lines.

  • unchecked = No. Child budget revisions are not created.
  • checked = Yes (default).  Budget revision for each Commitment and/or CCO are created, if AutomaticBudgetRevisions is also enabled.


Specifies (in the result value) the status code that allows merging when you use the Merge CCO icon.  A comma-separated list of status codes can also be entered as the result value, but CCOs will be merged only with other CCOs at the same status. Default is % (which means all statuses).

COExpenseBudgetRevisions [deprecated]

Do not use this rule.  Use PostExpensesAtStatus, an UpdateTargets.  Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Orders should throw an error instead of posting the automatically generated internal budget revision to reflect expenses on the Change Order.

  • unchecked = No. (throws an error)
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether LABOR BURDEN amounts should be merged with LABOR amounts on each Cost Code in the BFA workbook. Normally, financial transactions track actual labor and labor burden on separate budget lines.  If your site budgets only the labor line, you might prefer to see the data merged within BFA.  For this feature to work, your Account Categories must have LABOR and LABOR BURDEN classes and any specific Cost Code must have only a single line with the LABOR class.  This rule does not affect raw data. Contact your implementation specialist if you wish the same behavior in a report.

  • unchecked = No (default, keeps individual line details matching financials).
  • checked = Yes (merges lines).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the Change Item Budget Entries window should allow RFQs to be awarded through an icon, automatically creating a CCO from the RFQ. Note: Using this feature tends to create a larger number of smaller CCOs. RFQs on the Budget Entries window that are left un-awarded are merged into a single CCO when the Change Item expenses are posted.


  • unchecked = No.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Items can automatically process RFQs that have zero value.

  • unchecked = No (default). The message “Unawarded RFQ has no value” will appear instead.
  • checked = Yes, process RFQs with zero value.


Specifies (in the result value) the Doc type that will be created by the “add using multi-select” icon on the Budget Entries window. The result value accepts a Doc type of either RFQ or CCO. The default is RFQ.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Change Orders should distribute the revenue to the various Cost Codes enumerated by Change Order Budget lines.

  • unchecked = No (default). The Revenue lines in the Change Item Budget grid do not allow Cost Code entry.
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) a value from -11 to +11 that is used to calculate the fiscal period from any date.  Default is zero, so the fiscal period default to the current month and year.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether or not automatic budget revisions will post using FTC.

  • unchecked = No (default). Automatic budget revisions will post using FAC.
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) the value (from 1 to 100) to be used as the forecast threshold for projecting a cost line in BFA. Default is 15. See KBA-01240.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) the default Doc type for the Catalog search in the Import Wizard in BFA from which to select the Budget import source spreadsheet. The result value accepts a Doc type. The default is Bid.  Note: this rule does not accept a filter value.


Specifies (in the result value) the title for the Initial Budget document. The default is Initial Budget. You can use the placeholder $$ProjectTitle$$ to mean the project title. (See also the ProjectConfig | ManualBudget rule in KBA-01153.)


Specifies (in the result value) which budgets are updated by default on the first “Initial” budget document. This rule is referenced only any of the following is true.

  1. When the first (Initial) budget document is created with a new project (i.e. the ProjectConfig | ManualBudget rule is off). The default targets is All (7).
  2. When a Budget Revision document is created by Commitment and CCO documents while Commitment Budgeting mode is Initial (see the ProjectConfig | CommitmentBudgeting rule in KBA-01153). The default is EAC (2). 
  3. [V2018+] When the first budget document is created from the project dashboard.  The message “This project has no other Budget documents” is displayed
  • 0 = No Target
  • 1 = Original/Bid
  • 2 = EAC
  • 3 = Original/Bid and EAC
  • 4 = FAC
  • 6 = EAC and FAC (valid for Change Order documents only in V2016). This exports to Microsoft Dynamics SL as two revisions.
  • 7 = Original/Bid and EAC and FAC


Specifies (in the result value) whether Cost Code/Account categories are limited to the existing EAC budget.  This rule is ignored when posting is part of an owner change order.   This rule is generally filtered by Commitment or CCO.

  • unchecked = No (default). Cost Codes and Account Categories can exceed the budget.
  • checked = Yes.  See also LimitToBudget:CostingMethod below


Specifies (in the result value) whether Cost Code are limited to the existing EAC budget, when the document has all the Post to buckets = 0. This rule is not filtered.  Example:  LimitToBudget:CP = unchecked will allow “Cost Plus” budget lines to exceed budget even when LimitToBudget is otherwise in effect.  Valid Costing Method codes are CP (Cost Plus), FP (Fixed Price) and UP (Units Produced). Note: Spitfire looks at Contract Type to determine if a code starts with CP, FP or UP and assigns the corresponding Costing Method to that code. Other Contract Types are given the default of FP.

  • unchecked = No.  Cost codes with this costing method are allowed to exceed the budget.
  • checked = Yes (default if LimitToBudget is enabled)


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the budget revisions of the specified Subtype (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) should be prevented from posting unless it is a net zero change to the project. The only supported filter Doc type is Budget.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


(For internal use only).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the BFA snapshots of the specified Document Type should be carried forward from the prior snapshot. This rule does not affect PA mode.

  • unchecked = No (default for budget revisions and custom snapshots).
  • checked = Yes (default for forecasts).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Period Distribution should re-label Revenue to Billing.  There is no filter for this rule.

Note: In V23, the Period Distribution Doc type was renamed Project Cash Flow and the Period Distribution (PD) workbook was renamed Project Cash Flow (PCF) workbook.

  • unchecked = No (the label in WBS will be used).
  • checked = Yes (default)


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Actual Costs should be updated when a Pay Request document is approved. This rule applies only when the project is not integrated with an accounting system.

  • unchecked = No, Actuals are not updated upon document approval.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether automatically created budget revisions and forecasts from the specified filter Doc type should be posted. For example, if budgets created from a Commitment (during CommitmentBudgeting mode) should not post automatically, this rule should be turned off for the Commitment filter value. This rule is irrelevant when the AutomaticBudgetRevisions rule (above) is unchecked.

  • unchecked = No, the automatically created revisions remain editable.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Committed Costs should be updated when either a Commitment status changes or a Pay Request document is approved.  This rule applies only when the project is not integrated with Microsoft Dynamics (which tracks committed costs).  There is no filter for this rule.

  • unchecked = No, committed costs are not tracked by sfPMS.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether Actual Costs should be updated when a Pay Request document is approved on a Commitment with the Owner Direct flag set.  This rule requires the PostActuals rule (above) be checked YES/ON.

  • unchecked = No, Actuals are not updated upon document approval.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value) whether the RFQ document probability is applied when calculating the Potential Value. The only supported filter values are CCO and RFQ.  Note that a blank probability is treated as zero, you may want to use an On Create workflow script to set Probability to 100.

  • unchecked = No, the entire document value is included (default).
  • checked = Yes, the aggregate document item Original Estimate is multiplied by the probability, and the result is included as a potential exposure.


Specifies (in the result value) the DocStatus codes for CCO or RFQ (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) that indicate a potential Commitment. Documents with a matching status are include in potential Commitment calculations by the BFA financial snapshot. The only supported filter values are COMMITMENT, CCO and RFQ.  There is no default.  Your result value can take the form of L% (which means any status code that begins with L) or a comma-separated list without quotes, for example: L,P,CX (which means the L, P and CX status codes). See also KBA-01655.


[V23] Specifies (in the result value) the threshold at which the PreventDeficitEAC and PreventNegativeEAC rules (see below) will trigger.  Specify a positive integer from 0 to 100 to indicate how many dollars (either Deficit or Negative) on an EAC row should trigger the “prevent” rules. For example, if you have the PreventDeficitEAC rule on and the PreventAtThreshold at 1, an EAC deficit under $1 will be allowed, but an EAC deficit of $1 or more will not be allowed.

  • 0 (default prior to V23)
  • 1 (default V23+)


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the indicated Subtype of budget revisions (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) should be prevented from posting if the EAC budget would become less than the actual + committed on that line. This protection is sensitive to any revisions that posted between the time the posting snapshot was taken and the present.   This protection only applies when EAC exceeds Actual + Committed prior to the revision. The only supported filter value is Budget.

  • unchecked = No. Posting will not be prevented.
  • checked = Yes (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the indicated Subtype of budget revisions (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) should be prevented from posting if any budget line would become negative. This protection is sensitive to any revisions that posted between the time the posting snapshot was taken and the present. The only supported filter value is Budget.

  • unchecked = No (default prior to V2018). Posting will not be prevented.
  • checked = Yes (default V2018+).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether CCOs should be prevented from posting if any Commitment line would then have a negative amount remaining to be paid (including held retention). This protection prevents credits from being entered on new lines; any credit taken on a line must be less than the amount remaining to be paid on the line (including held retention). The only supported filter Doc type is CCO. Note: in V2021+, this rule does allow for credit Items on the CCO; however, this practice is not recommended because the full amount will remain payable on the original Item.

  • unchecked = No (default). Posting will not be prevented.
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether posting should be disabled for the Doc type.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes. Posting will result in the message “Posting is disabled at this time.”


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether BFA Projections should be enabled by default for all lines  See KBA-01240.

  • unchecked = No.
  • checked = Yes (default).


This rule has been rename.  See BillingUplift above.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether BFA should use Division settings on the setup page to create a third grouping on the main page.  The first two groups are tasks (cost codes) and individual budget lines (account categories).

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


[V23+] Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether workbooks for the filter Doc type should show cents. Amounts that do not have cents will show .00. Only Period Distribution is supported as the filter Doc type at this time.  (BFA is configured through Site Settings.)

Note: In V23, the Period Distribution Doc type was renamed Project Cash Flow and the Period Distribution (PD) workbook was renamed Project Cash Flow (PCF) workbook.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


[V23+] Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the unit columns should be visible in budget-related workbooks (subject to site/user settings)

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) the dollar amount a capped Commitment line can exceed the contract amount. Any positive number can be indicated. There is no filter for this rule. Sites that are integrated with an accounting system should consult their implementation specialist because a corresponding CCO is required. The default is 0.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether retention should be tracked only in Spitfire or also sent to integrated AP.  The only supported filter for this rule is Pay Request.
WARNING: This option may violate financial accountability practices and lead to issue with auditors.

  • unchecked = No (default).  Retention is held both in Spitfire and in integrated accounting AP.
  • checked = Yes.  Retention is tracked only by Spitfire.  The accounting system should treat the committed value as its future liability.  (Retention is not included in actual costs)


Specifies (in the result value) the source snapshot mode for the User Save columns in the BFA snapshots (three amount columns and two text columns). The result value accepts the GUID for the Budget or Forecast Doc type, selected from a drop-down. This rule does not accept a filter value. When no rule entry is specified (the default), values are maintained separately in each mode. See also KBA-01524.


Specifies (in the result value) which budgets are updated by default for a given Doc type. This rule is also referenced by Commitment and CCO documents while Commitment Budgeting mode is Update (see the ProjectConfig | CommitmentBudgeting rule in KBA-01153.). Result values for this rule are the same as for the BidTargets rule above.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether BFA snapshots taken in prior versions of sfPMS should be presented using BFA workbook formulas from the corresponding version. Additional configuration is required to deploy legacy BFA workbooks—contact your implementation specialist.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) a semicolon separated list indicating which budgets target combinations are allowed for a given Doc type.  Result values for this rule are based on the BidTargets rule above.  Common combinations

  • 0;1;2;3;7 = Original, EAC, Original and EAC, ALL  (default for most document types).
  • 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7 = All combinations are valid (default for Change Orders).
  • 4 = Only FAC (default for Forecast documents).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether budget validations (such as LimitToBudget, above) are performed when the document is made pending. CCO is the only supported filter.

  • unchecked = No
  • checked = Yes.  (default).


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether approvals must be in order by document number.  Currently, Payment Request is the only supported filter.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.

Additional Comments:

KBA-01176; Last updated: June 12, 2023 at 12:35 pm; green text = new
Keywords:  budget buckets;eac; rules; soft cap; SoftCap