KBA-01266: How to change the default filters on the Contacts Dashboard

Purpose & Scope:

The Contacts Dashboard opens with the Spitfire Users Only filter selected by default. This default filter allows the Contacts list to open quickly with just a few users displayed and allows the user to enter other filter parameters to search for the desired contact. WARNING:  Changing the default filter could result in unacceptable performance if you have a large number of Customer and Vendor contacts.


To change the default filter for the Contacts Dashboard:

  1. In ICTool, use Tools | Edit SiteConfig.xml.
  2. Add the following text into SiteConfig being sure to insert it above the </PageConfig> tag.
    <Title>Contact List</Title>
  3. Save SiteConfig.xml.
    The <PropData> tag includes the default Filter parameter settings. The Spitfire Users Only filter parameter is:
    Changing the True to False changes the default setting from checked to unchecked.

Additional Comments:

Publish the site to distribute the updated configuration file and cause the IIS server(s) to reload the configuration data.

KBA-01266; Last updated: November 10, 2016 at 12:47 pm;

Keywords:  customer filter, vendor filter