Adding Files to the Catalog

The following lists the many ways you can add files to the Spitfire Catalog.

Upload Site Photo

You can upload a photo for a specific project through an upload dialog open from the Photo part. The uploaded file becomes the most recent photo shown on the Project Dashboard, shows up in the Files part of the Project Dashboard, and is included in the Catalog Dashboard.

Add Files Tool

From the Catalog Dashboard
You can use the Add Files tool to upload or scan a file, in addition to add a website link or e-mail message. Files added to the Catalog need not be part of any specific Project or attached to any particular document.

From the File Part of a Project Dashboard
You can use the Add Files tool to upload or scan a files for a specific Project. This file will appear in the project’s File part on the Project Dashboard as well as in the Catalog Dashboard.

From the Attachments Tab
You can use the Add Files tool from a document’s Attachment tab to connect a file to that particular document. Once attached to a document, the file will appear in the corresponding Project Dashboard and Catalog Dashboard.
You can attached a files to the document in general or to a specific item on the document.

Drag and Drop

From the Attachments Tab
You can drag files from your computer onto a document’s Attachment tab to attach those files to that particular document. Once attached to a document, the files will appear in the corresponding Project Dashboard and Catalog Dashboard.
You can also drag and drop files to the Add Files too.

Catalog Folders
You can drag and drop from your computer onto a Folder in the Spitfire Catalog.

Create from Template Feature

From the Attachment Tab
If an Attachment template is available for the Doc Type, you can create a files from the template through the icon. The file is attached to the document and also attached to the Catalog. Files can also be created automatically from an Attachment (auto) or Attachment (all) template.

Reply E-mail Messages

From via E-mail Routees
If you route a document to a Via E-mail routee and that routee attaches a file in the replay e-mail, that files is attached to the documents Attachment tab and also added to the Catalog (assuming the reply e-mail message is processed correctly).

E-mail icon on a Document

E-mail Messages from Mobile Devices
From the Inbox
If properly configured, you can e-mail any file to be attached to a particular document though the E-mail icon. The file will be added to the Catalog.

From the Attachment Tab
You can e-mail any file to be attached to a particular document though the E-mail icon. The file will be added to the Catalog.