This command modified existing matching attachments on a document.

  • options are optional.  There are several options that can be used singularly or together, separated by spaces.  Clearly, you will use at least one!
    • FILTER filterrequires a semicolon (;) after it. This option specifies a filter for limiting the scope to those attachments that match.  Use .NET Data Expression syntax (for more information see the Data Dictionary and .NET data expression syntax). If the filter option is omitted, all document attachments will be processed. The filter can also be assigned to a variable using ATC: SET; the semicolon goes after the variable name—not in the ATC: SET command.
    • INCLUDE how specifies a new route include mode for the file and causes routed content to be recalculated. How must be one of the following:
      • M to include the file assembled in routed content;
      • P to include the PDF version of the file in routed content
      • 1 to include the native file in routed content
      • 0 to exclude the file from routed content (i.e, not sent)
    • FOLDER $FolderName is optional.  $Foldername is any variable name into which has been placed a folder path.
    • NAME newname; is optional but requires a semicolon (;) after it. It specifies the new name for the file; bookmarks are expanded.  Do not include the file type (extension) because the extension will be added automatically.  If the name would be a duplicate, a (n) is added before the extension.  Avoid periods inside the file name; do not include a file extension.  The name can also be assigned to a variable using ATC: SET; in which case the semicolon goes after the variable name—not in the ATC: SET command.
    • REFRESH refreshes matching attachments that have bookmark replacement enabled, creating a new file version if necessary.  The file will automatically be unlocked if necessary (but a checkout by another user will block the action).  If the file was unlocked for the REFRESH, it is automatically re-locked unless it is included as assembled content. Note: if the file already has bookmarks frozen it cannot be processed by this command.
    • FREEZE turns off future bookmark updates/refreshing by setting the Bookmarks Locked option on (checkmark).  Manual editing remains possible unless the file is also locked.
    • LOCK marks the attachment as LOCKED to prevent additional changes.  If a refreshable file is locked, it is also automatically frozen.
    • SYSLOCK marks the attachment as LOCKED to prevent changes by end users.    An admin can unlock the file.
    • UI how is optional. It specifies whether the file should be shown on the Attachments tab.  How must be either Hidden or Visible. The default is Visible.
    • [V23+] UNFREEZE turns on future bookmark updates/refreshing by setting the Bookmarks Locked option off (unchecked), as long as the file itself is unlocked. 
    • [V23+] APPLY template name;  is only applicable for Excel attachments. The option copies all worksheets and defined names from the specified Excel template onto the specified attachment. The option can support CSV files and change the CSV file to an XLSX file (with the same name). See example below.
    • [V23+] SOURCE contact specifies the source contact to be associated with the file attachment. The contact can be indicated by an email, user key, or user login.
    • [V23+] TYPE doctype specifies the Spitfire Document type to be associated with the file attachment. This doctype can be indicated by DocTypeKey or by [name] in square brackets.
    • [V23+] NOTE text; specifies the note to be associated with the file attachment. This free-form text must be ended by a semicolon. If the text includes a semicolon, use the ATC: SET $NoteVar = command prior to the ATC: ATTACH UPDATE command.



The above example means “update attached files that end in .csv by changing those CVS files to Excel XLSX files.”

ATC: SET $TargetFolder = /Contracts
ATC: SET $Filter = FileName LIKE '*.docx'
ATC: SET $NewName = Updated for [DocHeader_SourceDocNo]

The above example means “place the string /Contracts into the variable name $TargetFolder and place files ending with .docx into the variable name $Filter then change all attachments with names matching $Filter so that they are in the $Targetfolder and include them in routed content as PDF.  Change the file name too.”

ATC: SET $NewName = [DocHeader_Project] - [DocHeader_Title]
ATC: SET $FILTER = RefreshBookmarks AND FileName LIKE '*.docx'

The above example means “Set the variable $NewName to contain the Project and Document Header, then set the variable $Filter to a .NET expression that selects only files that have the Refresh Bookmarks option checked and that end in docx, and finally update the attached files that match the filter with the new name and set the Include option to PDF.”

Last updated: July 25, 2024 at 13:50 pm; green text = new