Bookmark Prefixes for Contact Information

There are a number of aliases that retrieve information from a Contact Record through its project role or document address connection

You can use the Contact prefixes shown below in front of any of these bookmarks:

Bookmark that takes prefix Who
DocHeader_ResponsibleParty Person who is the document’s Responsible Party
DocHeader_SourceContact Person who is the document’s Source Contact
DocHeader_OwnerApprover Person who is the document’s Owner Approver
DocHeader_LastStatusBy Person who last changed the document’s status (internal field)
DocHeader_EditUser Person who has the document open at the moment (internal field)
DocRevision_FromUser Person who created the document (internal field)
DocItem_LastStatusBy Person who last changed the item’s status (internal field)
DocItem_ResponsibleParty Person who is the Item’s Responsible Party
DocRoute_UserKey Person to whom the document is routed in this step (internal field)
DocRoute_ByUser Person who specified the user of a transmittal (internal field)
DocRoute_FromUser Person who added this person to the route
DocMeetingAttendee_UserKey Attendee on Meeting Minutes document
Note:  This does not support “free form” attendees (so avoid this choice if you need free form names. Use DocMeetingAttendee_AttendeeName for non-contact names, but be aware that AttendeeName cannot take any prefix)
ToAddr_UserKey To “To” Addressee on the document
FromAddr_UserKey The “From” Addressee on the document
ShipAddr_UserKey The “Ship To” Adressee on the document
AccountantAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Accountant Responsibility
AltCMAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Alternate CM Responsibility
AltPMAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Alternate PM Responsibility
ArchitectAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Architect Responsibility
AssociateAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Associate Responsibility
BonderAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Bonder Responsibility
CMAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Construction Manager Responsibility
ComplianceAddr_ Person who has a role with the Compliance Manager Responsibility
DevMgrAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Development Manager Responsibility
EngineerAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Project Engineer Responsibility
ExecutiveAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Senior Executive Responsibility
GCAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the General Contractor Responsibility
JuniorPMAddr_UserKey Person who has the role with the Junior PM Responsibility
LenderAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Lender Responsibility
NotaryAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Notary Responsibility
OPSMgrAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Operations Manager Responsibility
OwnerAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Owner Responsibility
OwnerTeamAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the OwnerTeam Responsibility
ParticipantAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Participant Responsibility
PGMManagerAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Program Manager Responsibility
PMAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Project Manager Responsibility
PurchaserAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Purchaser Responsibility
SafetyAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Safety Responsibility
SeniorPMAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Senior PM Responsibility
StaffAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Project Staff Responsibility
SubmittalsAddr_ Person who has a role with the Submittals Manager Responsibility
SuperAddr_UserKey Person who has a role with the Superintendent Responsibility)
ProjectCustomerAddr_UserKey Person who is the Customer on the Project Setup/Contract
RPartyAddr_UserKey Person who is document’s Responsible Party (same as DocHeader_ResponsibleParty)
SrcConAddr_UserKey Person who is document’s Source Contact (same as DocHeader_SourceContact)
ExtAppr_UserKey Person who is document’s Owner Approver (same as DocHeader_OwnerApprover)
SucontractDetails_Subcontractor Person who is the Vendor on a Commitment
DocAttachedFile_CheckOutUser Person who last checked out the file that is attached to the document
DocAttachedFile_SourceContact Person who is the Source Contact associated with an attachment
ToRoute_UserKey Person to whom the document is routed in this step (internal field)
ToRoute_ByUser Person who specified the use of a transmittal
ToRoute_FromUser Person who added this routee with transmittal to the route


DV_ The name of the Contact / From User / Current User / Responsible Party / Source Contact, respectively
DADD_ The following information for the Contact:

Street Address1
Street Address Line 2 (if available)
City, State, Zip

DCO_ The Company of the Contact
DCAL_ The preferred phone number for the Contact
DCNTY_ The county of the contact
DCEL_ The cell phone number for the Contact
DCUS_ The Customer ID of the Contact
DEMAIL_ The email of the Contact
DEMP_ The Employee ID of the Contact
DFAM_ or DNIC_ The Familiar Name/Nickname of the Contact
DFAX_ The fax number for the Contact
DKEY_ The GUID of the Contact
DKEYAT_ The “primary person” at the source company of the Contact / From Person / Current User / Responsible Party / Source Contact respectively
DLOGIN The Login ID of the user
DPCN_ The Contact’s preferred contact number (either Phone or Cell)
DPHO_ The phone number for the Contact
DSAL_ The salutation of the Contact
DSIG_ The Signature of the Contact
DSORT_ (and DSUR_) [V23+] The Sort field of the Contact. This is often just the surname of the Contact
DTI_ The Title of the Contact
DVEN_ The Vendor ID of the Contact
DWEB_ The Web URL of the Contact