Change Order Data – Bookmark Templates

The following bookmarks are for Change Order and Proposed CO documents only.

Bookmark Name Explanation
CORequestForm_DocMasterKey The GUID of the Change Order
CORequestForm_DocState That state (not status) of the Change Order.
(I = In Process, P = Pending, A = Approved and C = canceled)
CORequestForm_CORevenueAmt The amount of billable revenue on the Change Order
CORequestForm_OriginalContractAmt The Original Contract amount
CORequestForm_PriorApprovedAmt The sum of all Change Orders with revenue posted and with a DocNo that is less than the DocNo of the Change Order for which the Doc Template is being used.
CORequestForm_NewContractAmt The sum of the OriginalContractAmt + PriorApprovedAmt + CORevenueAmt
CORequestForm_NewContractTotal The sum of NewContractAmt +PriorPendingAmt
CORequestForm_PriorPendingAmt The sum of all Change Orders with a pending state and a DocNo that is less than the DocNo of the Change Order for which the Doc Template is being used.
CORequestForm_PriorTotal The sum of PriorPendingAmount + PriorApprovedAmt


Change Items and Corresponding Budget Entries

Bookmark Name Explanation
DocItemTask_LinkedContact The source contact on the child (RFQ, CCO, etc.) document suitable for use with DV_ and all the Dxxx Contact prefixes
DocItemTask_LinkedEstimate The sum of line item estimates on the child (RFQ, CCO, etc.) document
DocItemTask_LinkedExpense The sum of line item expense amounts on the child document
DocItemTask_LinkedLines The number of lines on the child document
DocItemTask_LinkedQuote The sum of line item estimates on the child document
DocItemTask_LinkedStatus The description of the child document status (e.g., Approved or Committed, etc.)
CIAllocSummary_AllocSeq The Sequence Number of an Allocation in a CI’s Budget Entries
CIAllocSummary_Amount The total revenue amounts from all matching Allocations in a CI’s Budget Entries
CIAllocSummary_ExpAmount The total expense amounts from all matching Allocations in a CI’s Budget Entries
CIAllocSummary_Description The Description of an Allocation in a CI’s Budget Entries
CIAllocSummary_SourceCount The number of CIs with an Allocation
CISummary_AccountCategory Aggregate Account Categories for the CI Budget Entries
CISummary_Category The description of the Account Category taken from the Account Category tool
CISummary_LineSeq The Seq number for the Account Category taken from Account Category tool
CISummary_LineTotal The number of Budget Entries with corresponding Account Category
CISummary_SumLineTotal The grand total of all CISummary_LineTotals
CICost_ProjEntity The Cost Code of a CI’s Budget Entry
CIDetail_ProjEntity Either the Cost Code of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description
CICost_Qty The Units of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_Qty Either the Units of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*
CICost_RevenueAmount The Revenue Amount of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_RevenueAmount Either the Revenue Amount of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*
CICost_Subcontract The Commitment of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_Subcontract Either the Commitment of CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*
CICost_AccountCategory The Account Category of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_AccountCategory Either the Account Category of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*
CICost_CostRate The Rate of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_CostRate Either the Rate of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*


The Item Number of the CI*
CICost_ItemSeq The Seq # of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_ItemSeq Either the Seq # of a CI’s Budget Entry or blank if the printed row contains a CI Description*
CICost_LineDescription The description of a CI’s Budget Entry*
CIDetail_LineDescription Either the description of a CI’s Budget Entry or the description of the Change Item if the printed row contains the CI Description*
CICost_CostType The Cost Type of a CI’s Budget Entry


CICost vs. CIDetail

Both the CICost_ and CIDetail_ bookmarks point to information on a Change Item’s Budget Entry window. However, when the CIDetail alias is included, logic will be used to show a CI description on its own line. For example, the following template bookmarks will yield results such as follows:

# Description Account Category Revenue (Cost to Customer)
RR_CIDetail_ItemNumber RR_CIDetail_LineDescription RR_CIDetail_AccountCategory RRFC2_CIDetail_RevenueAmount


# Description Account Category Revenue
00001 Additional electrical work required for utility connection including FO cable re-routing These are blank because it is a Change Item description row.
00001 Site Work _LABOR @1,250.00
00002 2 Days additional work involved in providing additional electrical installation pursuant to attached Meeting Minutes. These are blank because it is a Change Item description row.
00002 Subcontract 16000 Electrical $1,675.00
00002 Workman _LABOR $17,000.00


On the other hand, if only the ciCost alias is used, the same document would yield the following results:

# Description Account Category Revenue (Cost to Customer)
RR_CICost_ItemNumber RR_CICost_LineDescription RR_CICost_AccountCategory RRFC2_CICost_RevenueAmount


# Description Account Category Revenue
00001 Site Work _LABOR $1,250.00
00002 Subcontract 16000 Electrical $1,675.00
00002 Workmen _LABOR $17,000.00