Data from Commitments and Pay Requests – Bookmark Templates

When you create a Bookmark Template for a Change Order or Pay Request document, you can access information found on its corresponding Commitment document or previous Pay Requests. In addition to bookmarks mentioned previously (for information from the Project Setup), you can use the following bookmarks in your Change Order or Pay Request template.

Bookmark Name Explanation
DocHeader_LinkedDocNo The document number of the linked document (e.g., CCO)
DocHeader_ComCurrEnd The current end date specified on the parent Commitment
DocHeader_ComCurrStart The current start date specified on the parent Commitment
DV_DocHeader_Subcontract Description/Title of the Commitment


Number of the Commitment
SubcontractDetails_Subcontractor The name of the Vendor from the Vendor’s Contact details
SubcontractDetails_SubcontractPayStatus Pay status of the Commitment
SubcontractDetails_SubcontractTerms Terms of the Commitment
SubcontractDetails_SubcontractDate Approval date of the Commitment
SubcontractDetails_DocState Code that indicates the state of the Commitment
(A=Active, C=Closed, O=Not Active)
SubcontractDetails_VendId ID of the Vendor from the Vendor’s Contact details
SPRLineDetails_Project ID of the Project
SPRLineDetails_ItemNumber Number of the line item
SPRLineDetails_LineCreated The date the item was created
SPRLineDetails_ApprovedQuantity Units from the previous approved CCO
SPRLineDetails_ApprovedRetention Reserved for future use
SPRLineDetails_ApprovedExpense Cost of approved changes to the Commitment
SPRLineDetails_ApprovedAmount Reserved for future use
SPRLineDetails_PendingChangeUnits Units from any pending CCO
SPRLineDetails_PendingChangeRetention Reserved for future use
SPRLineDetails_PendingChangeExpense Cost of pending changes to the Commitment
SPRLineDetails_PendingChangeAmount Reserved for future use
SPRLineDetails_VoucheredUnits Units from the previously approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_VoucheredAmount Amount from the previously approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_VoucheredSMAmount Stored material from the previously approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_VoucheredRetention Retention from the previously approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_VoucheredSMRetention Stored material retention from the previously approved Pay Request
DocItem_TotRetention Sum of previously Vouchered Retention plus current retention (normally used on a Pay Request)
SPRLineDetails_PRInProgressQuantity Quantity from previous but not yet approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_PRInProgressRetention Retention from previous but not yet approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_PRInProgressAmount Amount from previous but not yet approved Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_AccountCategory Account Category of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_Cap If true, payments are limited to the current contract
SPRLineDetails_cmpNewContractAmount New Contract Amount computed dynamically
SPRLineDetails_ContractAmount Current contract amount = SPRLineDetails_ApprovedExpense + original amount)
SPRLineDetails_ContractUnits Current contract amount = original units + PRLineDetails_ApprovedQuantity
SPRLineDetails_GLAcct GL Account of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_GLSub Sub Account of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_ItemPercent Percent completed of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_LaborClass Labor Class of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_LineDesc Description of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_ProjEntity Cost Code of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_Rate Rate of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_RetentionMethod Retention Method of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SPRLineDetails_TotalPercentRequest Percentage that will be paid including the current Pay Request (e.g., 5)
SPRLineDetails_Percent The Total Percent Requested in decimal format (e.g., .05)
SPRLineDetails_TotalUnitsCompleted Total units that will be paid including the current Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_TotalAmountCompleted Total amount that will be paid including the current Pay Request
SPRLineDetails_UOM Unit of Measure of an Item from the Commitment’s Item details
SubcontractDetails_VendorTIN Vendor Tax Payer Identification Number (from Microsoft Dynamics SL for integrated sites and from Spitfire Vendor document’s External DocNo for non-integrated sites)
SubcontractDetails_Is1099 Vendor 1099 flag (from Microsoft Dynamics SL for integrated sites and from Spitfire Vendor document’s IsSubcontract flag for non-integrated sites.
SubcontractDetails_VendorLicenses A comma-separated list of vendor license attributes (from the Vendor Contact’s Attribute tab)

Note: For information from items that are in the Commitment but not the Change Order or Pay Request, use the alias SubcontractLineIdleDetails_ with the above fieldnames (except TotalPercentRequest, TotalUnitsCompleted, TotalAmountCompleted, and UOM).