Contact Prefixes – Bookmark Templates

See instead Bookmark Prefixes for Contact Information


You can use any of the Contact prefixes described earlier (DCO_, DTI_, DSAL_, etc.) in front of the following bookmark names (ex: DSAL_DocHeader_ResponsibleParty).

Bookmark that takes Contact Prefix Who
DocHeader_ResponsibleParty Person who is document’s Responsible party.
DocHeader_SourceContact Person who is document’s Source Contact.
DocHeader_OwnerApprover Person who is document’s Owner Approver.
DocHeader_LastStatusBy Person who last changed the document’s status (internal field)
DocHeader_EditUser Person who has the document open at the moment (internal field)
DocRevision_FromUser Person who created the document (internal field).
DocItem_LastStatusBy Person who last changed the item’s status (internal field)
DocItem_ResponsibleParty Person who is the Item’s Responsible party.
DocRoute_UserKey Person to whom the document is routed in this step (internal field)
DocRoute_ByUser Person who specified the use of a transmittal (internal field)
DocRoute_FromUser Person who added this person to the route (internal field)
DocMeeting_UserKey Attendee on Meeting Minutes document (internal field)
ToAddr_UserKey The “To” Addressee on the document (internal field).
FromAddr_UserKey The “From” Addressee on the document (internal field)
ShipAddr_UserKey The “Ship To” Addressee on the document (internal field)
AccountantAddr_UserKey Person who is the project’s Accountant (internal field)
AltPMAddr_UserKey Person who is the project’s Alternate Project Manager (internal field)
ArchitectAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Architect (internal field)
AssociateAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Associate (internal field)
BonderAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Bonder (internal field)
CMAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Construction Manager (internal field)
DevMgrAddr_UserKey Person who is the project’s Development Manager (internal field)
ExecutiveAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Senior Executive (internal field)
GCAddr_UserKey Person who is the project’s General Contractor (internal field)
LenderAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Lender (internal field)
OPSMgrAddr_UserKey Person who is the project’s Operations Manager (internal field)
OwnerAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Owner (internal field)
PMAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Project Manager (internal field)
StaffAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Project Staff (internal field)
SuperAddr_UserKey Person who is project’s Superintendent (internal field)
ProjectCustomerAddr_UserKey Person who is Customer on Project Contract (internal field)
RPartyAddr_UserKey Person who is document’s Responsible Party. (Same as DSAL_DocHeader_ResponsibleParty.)
SrcConAddr_UserKey Person who is document’s Source Contact. (Same as DSAL_DocHeader_SourceContact.)
ExtAppr_UserKey Person who is document’s Owner Approver. (Same as DSAL_DocHeader_OwnerApprover.)
SubcontractDetails_Subcontractor Person who is the Vendor on a Commitment (Subcontractor)
DocAttachedFile_CheckOutUser Person who last checked out the file that is attached to the document
DocAttachedFile_SourceContact Person who is the Source Contact associated with an attachment
ToRoute_UserKey Transmittal person to whom the document is routed in this step (internal field)
ToRoute_ByUser Person who specified the use of a transmittal (internal field)
ToRoute_FromUser Person who added this routee with transmittal to the route (internal field)