Creating a Customer Proposed CO

Customer Proposed CO documents can be created at any time. There are two ways to create a Customer Proposed CO:

  • From a saved RFI – use this method when you want information from an RFI to carry over to the Customer Proposed CO, as is often the case in the Change Order workflow.
  • From the Project Dashboard – use this method when the Customer Proposed CO is your starting document.

To create a Customer Proposed CO document from an RFI:

  1. From the Project Dashboard, select RFI from the Documents list, and Open the RFI.
  2. From the Actions and Options menu, select Create Customer Change Order.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation box, The Customer Proposed CO document will open.
  4. Although a Status of Closed is not required on the RFI to create the Customer Proposed CO, you might need to change the RFI’s Status to Closed now.
  5. Continue from step 6 in the instructions below.

To create a Customer Proposed CO document from the Dashboard: 

  1. From the Project Dashboard, select Customer Proposed CO from the Documents list, and click Add.

  2. Change the Description on the Details tab.
  3. (optional) Select a Contract Type for the eventual Customer Change Order. You will be able to enter this information later on the Customer Change Order.
  4. Save the document.
  5. On the CI tab, Add New Items.
    Note: Items added here appear on the Change Item Register.
  6. Complete the remaining fields on the document and add attachments if necessary.
  7. Either route the document or Save and Close it.

You can reopen the document as needed to makes changes to it


Statuses for Customer Proposed COs
By default the drop-down menu offers two options: Open, Closed.
When a Customer Proposed CO is Closed, it can no longer be changed. The status must be Closed before you can create a Customer Change Order from the Customer Proposed CO.