Home Dashboard Capabilities

The Home Dashboard is made up of an Inbox part (yellow), a Project List part (green) and a Watchdog Alerts part (salmon). Contacts who are designated as Spitfire users, who have login IDs and who are assigned the following capability can access the Home Dashboard.

PAGE | Home Dashboard (R)

  • R allows the user to access the Home Dashboard.


The Inbox on the Home Dashboard is affected by the following capabilities.

PART | Action Item Inbox (R)

  • R allows the user to view and use the Inbox.

DOC | User Inbox Inbound Email Attachment Link (R)

  • R allows the user to see and use an Inbox email icon when on a mobile device in order to email a file to be attached to the corresponding document.

Project List

The Project List on the Home Dashboard is affected by the following capabilities.

PAGE | Project Dashboard (R)

  • R allows the user to access the Project Dashboard for a project.
    Note: This capability is required in order for the user’s projects to be displayed on the Project List.

PART | User Project List (RIS)

  • R allows the user to view the Project List part.
  • I allows the user to use the + tab to open a Project Dashboard by typing a Project ID or name.
  • S allows the user to create new projects through the icon on the + tab or the Create Project option on the Site Options menu (next to the user’s name).

LIST | Can access all projects without being a team member (R)

  • R allows the user to see all projects in the Project List lookup.
    Note: be sure to add the capability to a role that is not limited by a Project condition.

Watchdog Alerts

The Watchdog Alerts part on the Home Dashboard is affected by the following capability.

PART | Watchdog Alerts (RD)

  • R allows the user to view the Alerts part and to receive Alerts.
  • D allows the user to clear all Alerts in the Watchdog Alerts part. [V23+]