KBA-01270: Turning off auto-incrementing of the project number


I am using a Project number that is made up of three segments. The first two segments are validated text. Once the second segment is entered, the third is auto populated and incremented. How can I turn this feature off?


Only those with permission and access to the System Admin Dashboard can stop the auto-incrementing of the segment.  There are multiple possibilities.

Option 1 – Do not use a numeric segment

  1. Open the Mask Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard.
  2. Edit the Project.
  3. Change the Mask Type of Segment #3 from Numeric to Uppercase Alphanumeric.
  4. Save.

Option 2 – Use the lookup field to override the auto-increment behavior

  1. Open the Mask Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard.
  2. Edit the Project.
  3. Change the Lookup field for Segment #3 to -1
  4. Save.

Additional Comments:

See also KBA-01294 

KBA-01270; Last updated: November 15, 2016 at 14:44 pm;
Keywords:  project number, segment, mask, increment