KBA-01287: The Starting Spitfire message is displayed, but Spitfire does not launch.


When I try to launch Spitfire, the ‘Starting Spitfire‘ message displays but Spitfire does not start.


If McAfee SecurityCenter is running on the workstation, McAfee SiteAdvisor can be interfering with the launch of the Spitfire site. Disable McAfee SiteAdvisor Internet Explorer Add-ons:

  1. Select Tools from Internet Explorer
  2. Select Manage Add-ons | Enable or Disable add-ons.
  3. Highlight each of the SiteAdvisor add-ons, and select the disable radio button.
  4. Click OK.

KBA-01287: Last updated: October 14, 2016 at 10:11 am;
Keywords:  start, run, spitfire, launch, mcafee, siteadvisor, site, advisor