KBA-01437: Using WordTemplateConfig to Define Dynamic Table Relationships


The template engine checks the WordTemplateConfig rule group for rule entries in the form table:ParentList.  These entries define temporary (dynamic) parent relationships.  One table can be the parent of another table if some combination of fields in the ‘child‘ table uniquely identifies a single row in the ‘parent‘ table. The format for the ParentList result value is:

ParentRelationName = ParentTableName ( parentfield1:childfield1 , pf2:cf2 , … );


  • You will use ParentRelationName in PARENT(ParentRelationName) computed fields expressions
  • ParentTableName is the alias name of the data on which this table depends
  • ParentFieldn:ChildFieldn are the pairs of field names in the two tables.  At least one pair must be specified.  If :ChildField is omitted, the child field name is assumed to be the same as the parent field name.
  • Should you need to define multiple parents, you can include additional parent definitions separated by semicolons.


  • DocAttachedFile:ParentList has result value
    ForItem = DocItem (DocItemKey:LinkedItemKey);

you then define

  • DocAttachedFile.ItemStatus with result value PARENT(ForItem).ItemStatus

Remember: if you plan on using DocAttachedFile.ItemStatus in a filter, you must include

  • DocAttachedFile:FieldList with result value ItemStatus;

Similarly, if a child relationships needs to be referenced, used the above syntax to create the relationship and include

table:ChildList = childtablename;

for example

  • DocItem:ChildList = DocAttachedFile;

Additional Comments:

Spitfire includes several predefined parent-child relationships, such as between DocItemTask and DocItem.See KBA-01323 for an overview of the WordTemplateConfig rule.

KBA-01437; Last updated: October 20, 2016 at 13:32 pm;
Keywords:  dynamic relationship;temporary parent relationships;parent child;