KBA-01456: Compressing images in BookmarkTemplates; reducing Printout size


How can I compress the images in my bookmark templates so the resulting printouts won‘t be so large?


The answer depends on if all your users and collaborators are using Office 2007+ or if some of them are still using Office 2003.

If everyone is using Office 2007, make sure that your bookmark templates are stored in .DOCX format (and not in ‘compatibility mode‘).  The .DOCX format automatically compresses images.

To replace a .DOC Doc Template with a .DOCX Doc Template:

  1. Go to the Templates tool on the Manage or System Admin Dashboard and click the icon to download and open the template.
  2. In Microsoft Word, save the file as a *.docx file.
  3. If you get a message about ‘this action…may cause changes in the layout of the document‘ click OK—but you may want to check the template to see if anything else needs to be fixed.
  4. Close Microsoft Word.
  5. In the Template Maintenance dialog box, browse for and upload the newly saved template file (with the .docx extension).
  6. Close the Template Maintenance dialog box.
  7. Save your changes in Spitfire.

If you need to keep Bookmark Templates in compatibility mode for some of your users/collaborators, you will need to compress images manually.

To compress images/photos/pictures:

  1. Go to the Templates tool on the Manage or System Admin Dashboard and click the icon to download and open the template file.
  2. Click on the first image.
  3. Select the Microsoft Word Format ribbon.
  4. Select the Compress Pictures option (in the Adjust section).
  5. In the Compress Pictures dialog box, select All pictures in document and Print resolution.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If you get a warning that images, once compressed, may lose quality, click OK.
  8. Save your Doc Template file.
  9. Close Microsoft Word.
  10. In the Templates Maintenance dialog box, browse for and upload the template file.
  11. Close the Template Maintenance dialog box.
  12. Save your changes in Spitfire.

Additional Comments:

For more information about Bookmark Templates, see the Focus on Bookmark (Doc) Templates guide.

KBA-01456; Last updated: November 14, 2016 at 13:33 pm;
Keywords:  too large, compress pictures, smaller Doc Template printouts