KBA-01294: Defining Masks for Project IDs and Cost Codes
Question: How do I control the way that Project IDs and Cost Code are divided into parts? Answer: You set…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: How do I control the way that Project IDs and Cost Code are divided into parts? Answer: You set…
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Overview: The NextDocFlow rules configure how the system responds to the Create Next command on the Document Options drop-down menu….
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Problem: Several sfPMS features rely on Microsoft Office Document Imaging tools. (See Additional Comments section for a list). The Office…
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Overview: The BudgetConfig rules control various optional behaviors of budgeting. The BudgetConfig rule group is found in the Rules Maintenance…
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Question: On some workstations, why do reports open in Adobe Reader instead of the Spitfire Report Browser? Answer: This is…
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Summary: The Spitfire ATC service and the web application communicate via TCP. The sfATC installation includes a remote command tool…
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Question: What value is used in the Value (a.k.a. Amount) column that can be displayed in the Project Doc List…
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Question: Microsoft Excel is hung after using the BFA Import Wizard, but let‘s me save when I close. Why? Why…
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Purpose & Scope: Many upgrades and updates to Microsoft Office reset all security defaults to the highest protection level. This…
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