KBA-01100: Overview of the Alert Text Rules


The AlertText rule group is used to format text for the subject and body of Alerts, overriding the Spitfire distributed defaults.  Of course, if you create a custom Alert, you should create a format of your choosing, using the Alert Type Key (GUID) as the filter. If you provide a rule with an empty filter, it will override all of the Spitfire-provided defaults.

The AlertText rule group is found in the Rules Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard. Each rule in the group consists of a rule name, a filter value (which can be blank) and a result value.

Filter Values:

Any Alert type 

The AlertText rules accept any Alert type (as defined in the Alert Type tool and appearing on the filter drop-down) as the filter value. Note: Rules that start with Cmpl are used for Compliance Alerts only and do not use filter values.

Result Values:

Any text

The AlertText rules accept any text as the result value. In addition, the result value text can include any of the following placeholders:

  • $AlertName$ — is replaced by the alert name.
  • $DocDue$ — is replaced by the due date of the document.
  • $DocNo$ — is replaced by the document number.
  • $DocState$ — is replaced with
    • ‘Document is closed‘ if the document is closed,
    • ‘Document is due by $DocDue$‘ if the document is due in the future,
    • ‘Document also overdue since $DocDue$‘ if the document is overdue.
  • $DocStatus$ — is replaced with the current document status.
  • $DocTitle$ — is replaced with the document title.
  • $DocTitleLong$ — is replaced with the extended title with (project, Doc#) added automatically.
  • $DocType$ — is replaced by the full name of the Doc type.
  • $DuePrep$ — is replaced by
    • ‘due by‘ if the due date has not yet occurred,
    • ‘overdue since‘ if the due date has past,
    • or by the custom text you provide in an DuePrepSoon or DuePrepPast rule.
  • $HowDue$ — is replaced by
    • ‘nearing due‘ if the due date has not yet occurred,
    • ‘overdue‘ if the due date has past, or
    • by the custom text you provide in a separate HowDueSoon or HowDuePast rule.
  • $Info$ — is replaced by information custom to the alert.
  • $NowDue$ — is replaced by the item/routee/alert due date.
  • $OldStatus$ — is replaced by the prior status (applicable to ‘on change‘ alerts only).
  • $Pending$ is replaced with ‘No approvals are pending, but document remains open‘ if the document is open but there are no remaining routees or with ‘Pending action by $Who$ and nn others‘ if there are remaining routees.
  • $ProjectID$ — is replaced by the project code.
  • $ProjectName$ — is replaced by the project name.
  • $ShortDocType$ — is replaced by the short version of the Doc type.
  • $WasDue$ — is replaced by the prior due date (applicable to on change alerts only).
  • $Who$ — is replaced by the name of the user ‘responsible‘.
  • \n — is replaced by a new line.



Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed in the body of the specified Alert.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is out of compliance because the amount is insufficient.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed in the body of a Compliance Alert.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is out of compliance because the Effective date is inadequate.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is out of compliance because it has expired.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is out of compliance because it has been manually placed out of compliance.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is out of compliance because the Required date has past.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed in the subject of a Compliance Alert.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the Item is in compliance.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when an item or document is past due.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when the due date of a document, route or item is approaching.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when you use the $HowDue$ placeholder (see above) in the result value and the $HowDue$ returns ‘overdue‘.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed when you use the $HowDue$ placeholder (see above) in the result value and the $HowDue$ returns ‘nearing due‘.


Specifies (in the result value) the text to be displayed in the subject of the specified Alert.

Additional Comments

Midnight is not displayed in due dates, but other times will appear.

KBA-01100; Last updated: March 12, 2017 at 13:44 pm;
Keywords:  rules