PAGE | Excel Project Budgeting & Forecasting (RU)
- R allows the user to open and view the BFA workbook from a Budget or Forecast document.
- U allows the user to update the BFA’s Data worksheet.
PAGE | Can use Excel Project Analysis (R)
- R allows the user to view the BFA workbook in Project Analysis mode.
LIST | Revenue Transactions (RU)
- R allows the user to see revenue columns and data in the BFA workbook (and also on the Cost Analysis part on the Project Dashboard).
- U allows the user to update revenue data.
PART | Can customize BFA settings (RS)
- R allows the user to save user preferences for the BFA workbook.
- S allows the user to save site preferences for the BFA workbook.
PAGE | BFA History (R)
- R allows the user to open the Budget/Forecast Transaction History window by drilling down from the Notes column in BFA. Note: the ability to open the documents listed on the Transaction History window requires the PAGE | Document Access capability for these Doc types.
PAGE | Transaction Detail (R)
- R allows the user to open the Transaction History by drilling down from the Actual Cost to Date column.
PAGE | Commitment Detail (R)
- R allows the user to open the Commitment Detail window by drilling down from the Committed Cost to Date column in BFA.
PAGE | Commitment Line Detail by Cost Code (R)
- R allows the user to open the Commitment Line Detail window by drilling down from the Original Commitment, Approved CCO, Pending CCO, Approved Pay Request Total, Approved Pay Request Retention, Approved Pay Request Net Pay, Pending Pay Amount Total, or Pending Pay Retention column in BFA. Note: the ability to open the documents listed on the Transaction History window requires the PAGE | Document Access capability for these Doc types.