Having Spitfire Select a Template Based on Route Sequence


We use an Email Body template to let vendors know when their Pay Requests have been approved. We’d like to send another email (with its own Email Body template) when the check is in the mail. Can there be a way to tell Spitfire which template to use when?


Yes, in V2020+.  You can indicate a Seq number for each template in the Template library that corresponds to a route sequence. Spitfire will know which template to use based on the route sequence. Spitfire uses the template with the Seq number closest to, but not over, the route sequence.


Let’s say you have the following predefined route set up for your Pay Request documents (in the Routes tool in the Manage Dashboard). The intention is for the Project Manager to send an email (using an Email Body template) to the vendor at Seq 10 when the document is approved and routed to Accounting. Then Accounting is to send an email (using a different Email Body template) to the vendor at Seq 100.

So those two Email Body templates are given a Seq number (in the Templates tool on the Manage Dashboard) that corresponds to the route sequence number.

When Spitfire gets to Seq 10 on the document’s route, it will notice that the routee is via email and that there is an Email Body template for Seq 10, so will use that template as the body of the email.

When Spitfire gets to Seq 100 on the document’s route, it will notice that the routee is via email and that there is an Email Body template for Seq 100, so with use that template instead.

Additional Hints

  • The system ignores templates greater than the current sequence.
  • To allow preview, give your template the sequence number at which the email will be previewed.
  • Beyond Seq 100, the Seq 100 template is used for all subsequent emails.