KBA-01058: Using the DocTypeConfig Rule to establish default priority for documents


How do I set the default priority for a new document?


The default Priority assigned to new documents can be configured by Doc type.

To configure the Priority level for new documents of a specific Doc Type:

  1. Select the Rules Maintenance tool on the System Admin dashboard.
  2. On the Rules part, find the DocTypeConfig rule group.
  3. Click on the Expand Details icon for the DocTypeConfig rule.
  4. Click on the Create New icon.
  5. In Rules, enter Priority.
  6. In Filter Value, use the drop-down to select your document type or leave the field blank if you want the Priority level to apply to all document types that do not override it.
  7. In Result Value, enter one of the following values:
    1 for Urgent
    3 for High
    5 for Medium
    7 for Low
    9 for FYI
  8. Accept your changes, and save your Rule.

KBA-01058;  Last updated: October 20, 2016 at 12:33 pm;
Keywords:  doctypeconfig, default priority, rules