KBA-01203: Restoring a Microsoft Dynamics SL database over another

Purpose & Scope:

How to create a Test Microsoft Dynamics SL company from my Live Microsoft Dynamics SL company.


  1. Create a complete backup of both your System and your Application database from your Live Microsoft Dynamics SL company.
  2. Create a new database of your Test Microsoft Dynamics SL company.
  3. Restore the Live Backups into new TestSystem and TestApplication databases.
    Note: Be sure to change the names (and path) of the physical files to ensure that the backup is being restored to the correct physical files.
  4. In the Test System Database, open the Domain table and correct the DatabaseName to your TestApplication database.
    Note: if your Test Microsoft Dynamics SL company is on a different SQL server, be sure to change the ServerName too.
  5. In the TestSystem database, open the Company table and correct the DatabaseName to our TestApplication database.
  6. In Microsoft Dynamics SL Database Maintenance, select your TestSystem database and Update Views.
    Note: This step is essential so that all of the Microsoft Dynamics SL functions are pointing to the correct database.

Additional Comments:

After restoring your Dynamics Databases, run the Microsoft Dynamics SL Database Maintenance tool (98.290)

  1. Run Synchronized Ownership across all Solomon databases to ensure run time access
  2. Run the Update Views button
  3. In SQL Management Studio, ensure your Spitfire and Dynamics Databases are owned by the same SQL identity

This tool is best used by your Dynamics SL VAR so as to be consistent across time.  If that continuity is not available, try this link

KBA-01203; Last updated: May 12, 2022 at 17:36 pm;
Keywords: databases, test, live