KBA-01274: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value “ISNULL(ex_act_amt,0) + ISNULL(ex_com_amt,0)”


When loading a budget or forecast spreadsheet the following error appears: ‘An error – ‘Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ‘ISNULL(ex_act_amt,0) + ISNULL(ex_com_amt,0) to data type int. occurred loading data‘


Update SQL Server 2005 to SP2a with the hot fix for Backup Plans (Version 2005.90.3054.00).

Additional Comments:

Note: The fields ex_act_amt and ex_com_amt are numeric fields; SQL is attempting to process them as varchar fields. This is a symptom of an issue resolved in SP2.

KBA-01274; Last updated: October 27, 2016 at 12:28 pm;
Keywords:  error, BFA, project analysis