KBA-01431: Warning: Email service delayed


What does the system alert Warning: Email service delayed mean?


sfPMS uses a system service to send and receive email and faxes and to gather weather readings and conduct a variety of other background tasks. If the sfPMS web application has not communicated with the background system service for over an hour, this warning alert begins to appear. If the communication failure is only affecting inbound email, the alert title will be Warning: Inbound Email service delayed. The message will indicate the size of the backlog. See the System Information page for additional details.

The warning is automatically removed when the web application and background service have resumed communication.

Additional Comments:

If the alert persists, contact your System Administrator.  The status of the sfATC service should be checked.

KBA-01431; Last updated: October 14, 2016 at 12:33 pm;
Keywords:  E-Mail delay, email warning alert, email not working