KBA-01509: Customizing BFA Financial Snapshots


How can I use the custom BFA columns to store snapshots of custom values?


Two options:

Option 1: See KBA-01430 and create a custom replacement for psf_LoadPTDSUM.

Option 2: Create a stored procedure called custom.cv_OnBFASnapshotWritten.  Your stored procedure is passed to the DocRevKey for the snapshot, the Project ID and a ‘For Inquiry‘ bit flag.

With option 2, your custom code is called after the BFA snapshot has been written to xsfForecast but before it is returned.  Your stored procedure can update the rows in xsfForecast in any way—most likely to obtain values from an external source and place them into one of the custom columns.  You do not return a result set, but rather update xsfForecast.

Your stored procedure is only run once per budget or forecast document, not when the document is later reopened.  For Project Analysis (@ForInquiry=1) mode, your stored procedure is run each time.

Additional Comments:

KBA-01509; Last updated: October 6, 2016 at 11:53 am V4.2+
Keywords:  SQL BFA snapshot