Opening the Initial Budget

A blank Initial Budget document is created automatically when you first save a Project Setup document. There are two ways to open the Initial Budget document to access the BFA workbook:
–  from a Project Setup document that has not yet been Committed
–  from the Project Dashboard

To open the Initial Budget from the Project Setup document:

  1. From the Project Setup document, access the  Actions and Options menu and select Initial Budget.
  2. Continue with Step 2 from the instructions below.


To open the Initial Budget document from the Project Dashboard:

  1. From the Documents menu, select Budget and click Open.
  2. Click Create (Excel icon) to open Excel. An empty BFA workbook will appear.
  3. Enter your data for your budget through one of the options found on the worksheet’s Budget ribbon.

    Note: If you use the Import Wizard option, you can import data from a file in your Spitfire Catalog.
  4. Save and Close the Excel workbook.
  5. Add any other information to the document, add attachments, and create a route.
  6. Either Route the document to another person or Save and Close the document window.
  7. You can reopen the document as needed to make changes. When the Budget Status is Approved, it will be read-only.