Placing Files Directly Into Folders When Uploading/Attaching


Can I place a file directly into a Catalog folder when I attach the file to my document or upload it to the Catalog Dashboard?


You can drag-and-drop a file directly into a folder when uploading to the Catalog Dashboard or the Files part on the Project Dashboard. To get a file into a folder on the Attachments tab of a document, you’ll need to indicate the folder after you drag-and-drop the file onto the document (unless a rule has already been set up to add the file directly into a folder).

Upload to File Part:

  1. Select the appropriate folder.
  2. Drag-and-drop the file onto the file section.
  3. The file will be in the selected folder.

Attach to Document:

  1. Drag-and-drop the file onto the Attachments tab on a document.
  2. In the In field, begin typing the first letters of the folder name until it appears, then select it.

    Note: if the In field does not appear, it will need to be made visible through the UI Configuration tool.  Talk to your System Administrator or send an email to for this configuration.
  3. The attached file will be in the selected folder.

It is also possible to set up FileCatalogConfig KBA-01265: Overview of the FileCatalogConfig Rules| DefaultFolder  and DefaultFolder:subtype rules if files attached to specific Doc types should always be added to a specific folder, by default.  Examples: