KBA-01695: The Backspace Key and sfPMS
Explanation: When you are in an editable field in sfPMS, the [Backspace] key does exactly what you expect it to…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Explanation: When you are in an editable field in sfPMS, the [Backspace] key does exactly what you expect it to…
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Questions: Can I format the text in my Notes fields? Will text formatting show up in my Microsoft Word template…
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Questions: What is the Pop-Up Tutorial? How do I get rid of it? How do I make it come back?…
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Summary: Text boxes in sfPMS allow you to access the Text Editor, which can be used to format your text…
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Question: How does the autocomplete feature work? Answer: Most of the lookup fields in sfPMS include autocomplete. Once the field…
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Question: Can I spellcheck when writing notes on my documents? Answer: Yes. The Spitfire text editor box supports spell checking. Click…
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Summary: The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in Spitfire‘s documentation and system. (Scroll to the end for new additions…
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Question: How do I create a Spitfire icon for my Desktop? Answer: To create a Shortcut icon for Spitfire: Load…
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Question: Who is the Source Contact on a document? Answer: The Source Contact can be a Vendor, Customer, Employee or the…
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Question: I need to enter a Doc type GUID for one of the rules. How can I find this information?…
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