KBA-01636: Creating your own HTML Tabs


You can define Spitfire tabs (that appear after the default tabs such as Home, System Admin, etc.) These tabs can display a dashboard with text that has been HTML-formatted.

First, you would create a new custom tab.  Then you would work on the content to appear for that dashboard.

New Custom Tab

You can add a tab to the system to open your custom HTML-formatted dashboard by adding a block like the one below to your SiteConfig.XML file (using the Tools | Edit option in ICTool).  Values in magenta are user specified.  Values in orange are seldom changed.  Black bold values are required.

 <Tip>Custom Library</Tip>

For a description of the above XML, see KBA-01598.


Since the URL in the tab definition ends with index.htm, the system will look for a file named index.htm in the zPublicHTML folder of the catalog.

Edit your index.htm file and include any text you want. Some general bookmarks are supported, and you can include hyperlinks to other tabs or pages.

For example:

Welcome [CurrentUser_UserKey],
 Access your
 <a href="https://try.spitfirepm.com/sfSupport/ProjectDetail.aspx?id=[DPROJ_CurrentUser_UserKey]">
 project dashboard</a> and your
 <a href="https://try.spitfirepm.com/sfSupport/Dashboard.aspx">
 home dashboard</a> from here.
 <hr />
 You can also check out our pithy
 <a target="sfblogpress" href="http://blog.spitfiremanagement.com/">blog posts</a>
 And our company <a href="sopfolder/sopindex.htm">SOP</a>


  • Bookmarks in green are examples of bookmarks that reference the current user.
  • Anchors that go to other tabs must specify the full path.
  • Anchors that go to external resources must specify a target attribute.
  • You can link to additional content using a relative path (in folders and files inside zPublicHTML).

Additional Comments:

See also KBA-01565 for some tips on HTML content in zPublicHTML.

KBA-01598; Last updated: October 3, 2017 at 21:16 pm 
Keywords:  creating a tab, custom tab