KBA-01062: Best Way to Copy Items on a Document


sfPMS offers several ways to copy Document Items.  Each of these alternatives is best applied in different scenarios.

  • Copy a Document with its Items – Found on the Project Dashboard, this option copies an entire document along with all (or none) of its items.  This tool is intended primarily for ‘template‘ scenarios, where a group of documents might be used as a library to create many, many documents over time.  After the copy, the new document exists and all items have been saved. Copy options allow you to include Items, Routes, and Attachments.
  • Get Item – Found on the Document‘s Items tab drop-down Options menu, this tool moves or copies an individual item from another open document of the same type to your current document.  This tool is intended primarily for relocating items between documents and is cumbersome to use for many items.
  • Paste Folders With Items – Found on the Document‘s Items Tab when Item Folders are displayed (though an option on the Item Options menu), this tool copies an entire subtree of items.  First, Items must be placed in the folders.  You can then mark multiple source folders to copy various subtrees in a single operation.  You then paste the folders into the target document. This tool is intended for free-form document manipulation.  After the paste, the new items are not yet saved. This allows you to selectively delete some items.

Additional Comments:

Please note that access to these copy options is determined by your login security capabilities.

KBA-01062;  Last updated: October 14, 2016 at 9:27 am;
Keywords:  how to;transfer, copy items