KBA-01615: Google Authentication Redirect URI


Why does the Sign in with Google button cause a redirect_uri_mismatch error?
Why does the Sign in with Google say That’s an error?


Your site is not authorized.  Contact Support and provide the ss_domain from the “request details” from the error window (shown below)


Additional Comments:

You can use your own Google Application if you wish.

  • Create an oAuth2 Client ID
    • Specify your IIS server hostname as the Authorized JavaScript Origin
      • eg: https://try.spitfirepm.com
    • Specify the path to the login page as the redirect URI
      • eg: https://try.spitfirepm.com/sfPMS/admin/login.aspx
  • Place the Client ID and Client Secret into ICTool’s sfPMS Password tab and republish the site.
  • Be sure to test both IE and Chrome (or other Android devices)

KBA-01615; Last updated: September 19, 2017 at 13:25 pm;
Keywords: none