Alert Subscription Part
Spitfire Client Services > Documentation > Alert Subscription Part
Dorothy McGovern
June 28, 2017
When you select the Alert Subscription tool, the corresponding part appears:

User/Group |
Either the name of the person or the Spitfire group of the people to receive the Alerts. You can click on the icon to change from Users to Groups and vice-versa. |
Alert |
The type of document Alert. Alert types are configured by the system administrator. They describe the conditions that, when met, send an Alert. |
Description |
A longer description of the Alert Subscription, if available. |
Recurs |
How often the Alert should be sent (ex: daily, weekly monthly, bi-monthly, yearly, etc.) or NA (no applicable). |
Lead Time |
Can be sent in two ways:
– If the Alert is for a due date, the number of days before or after the date, indicating when the Alert should be triggered. Leads for after the date are expressed as negative numbers.
– If the Alert is for the change of a date, the number of days the date need to change in order to generate an Alert. For example, if you enter 3, then you’ll receive an Alert if the date changes by three or more days, but you will not receive an Alert if the date changes by a day or two. |
Doc Type |
The Doc Type to which this Alert should apply. If blank, the Alert will apply to all Doc Types. |
Subtype |
The document’s subtype to which this Alert should apply. If blank, the Alert will apply to all subtypes for that Doc Type. |
Company |
The company to which this Alert should apply. If blank, the Alert will apply to all companies. |
Project |
The project to which this Alert should apply. If blank, the Alert will apply to all projects. |
Alert Routees |
The green checkmark indicates the Alert should be shared only with routees who were chosen to receive Alerts through the Subscribed to Alerts option off the Routee drop-down menu.
E-mail Notify |
A geen checkmark indicates an e-mail should be sent to the Contact whenever an Alert is sent to his/her Watchdog Alerts list. This duplication of notification is useful for people who do not log in to Spitfire very often.
Note: Proper setup of sfATC during implementation is required for e-mail notification. |
Active |
Whether or not this Alert Subscription can be used. |
Doc Type |
Select a Doc Type from the drop-down list. |
Role Name |
Enter or lookup a role. |
User |
Enter or lookup a user. |
Project |
Type all or some of a Project ID. You can use a wildcard (%). |
Alert |
Enter or Lookup an Alert Type. |