Alternate Revision Workflow

The edit icon allows you to make changes to your file as needed while you are in sfPMS. It is also possible for you to get the latest approved version of a file, copy it to another location, make changes to the file, and check in the revised file.

To edit a file elsewhere:

  1. On the row containing the file you want to edit, click Checkin/Checkout.
  2. Select Get Latest. The Get File dialog box will appear.
  3. Click Check out the file.
  4. Click Get, A browser window will appear.
  5. Navigate to a location on you computer or network where you’d like to save the copy of this file and click Save.
  6. Close the Get File dialog box.
  7. Outside of Spitfire, make the changes to the file.
  8. When you have completed your edits, click Checkin/Checkout at the file row.
  9. Select Check In. The Check In dialog box will appear.
  10. Locate the edited copy of the file.
  11. If appropriate, enter a Source Rev #. (Use this field to cross0-reference your customer’s or vendor’s version number.)
  12. (optional) Select any of the following Check in options:
    –  Route File: this is the same as the Route This option.
    –  Approve File: this approves the file is automatic approval has been deactivated at your site.
    –  Keep checked out: this option is the equivalent of checking the file in and immediately checking it out again – your newly revised file becomes the latest approved version, but the file appears as still being checked out.
  13. Click Check In then close the Check In File dialog box.