Budget Subtypes

Did You Know?

The distributed Budget Doc type includes a subtype field, labeled Type. With one exception, this Type field is populated automatically based on how the Budget document is created. Subtypes allow you to create different predefined routes for different types of Budget documents; to  create different site settings to define different BFA views; to filter and find Budget documents based on subtype; and to set certain rules only for certain subtypes.

Type indicates that the Budget document was created:

  • as a Manual Revision (by the user creating the Budget document).  The user needs to select Manual Revision from the drop-down. A workflow script can also set this default.
  • automatically from Line Items on a Budget Bypass document, if the Budget Bypass Doc type is active. [For more info, see the V2017 What’s New]
  • automatically from a CCO.
  • automatically from a Change Order.
  • automatically from a Commitment.
  • automatically from a Period Distribution document.
    Note: In V23, the Period Distribution Doc type was renamed Project Cash Flow and the Period Distribution (PD) workbook was renamed Project Cash Flow (PCF) workbook.
  • automatically from a Project (as the Initial Budget).

BudgetConfig Rules


The BudgetSubtype rule establishes which subtype should appear on each automatically-created Budget document. The distributed result values (which are based on the SubType code set) are as shown below. You can add codes through the Code Maintenance tool and change the default result values in the Rules Maintenance tool.

Note: if you are using Budget Bypass documents, the Type will be set automatically on the Budget document even if there is no BudgetSubtype rule for the Budget Bypass Doc type.


The NetZero rule allows you to prevent posting of certain types of Budget revisions (such as Manual Revision) unless the revision is net zero. See Making a Net Zero Budget Revision in BFA.


The PreventDeficitEAC rule allows you to prevent posting of certain types of Budget revisions if the EAC budget would become less than the Actual + Committed on that line.


The PreventNegativeEAC rule allows you to prevent posting of certain types of Budget revisions if any budget line would become negative.

Predefined Routes

When Budget documents are identified by subtype, predefined routes can be more specific. For example, predefined routes might specify that someone with a certain role should be added to a manual Budget revision document, ready for when the document creator routes it to Seq 2., whereas Budget documents created from Change Orders should be routed directly to Accounting, automatically leaving Seq 1. Often, Budgets with the PD, PC, CO, CM, CCO and BB subtypes are added to the distributed AutoAcceptRoute predefined route (because they do not need to be routed to anyone.)

Predefined routes are set up in the Route Maintenance tool on the Manage Dashboard.

Site Settings by Subtype

You can indicate that a saved Site Settings file should apply only to the Budget document with a certain subtype.  BFA Site Settings is a type of template in the Templates tool.