KBA-01106: Using Cost Code Alerts
Question: How do I get an Alert when a cost code project task is about to start or end? Answer:…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: How do I get an Alert when a cost code project task is about to start or end? Answer:…
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Question: How do I skip an invoice while processing a group in a batch scan? Answer: When you are processing…
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Question: Some of my documents do not need any routing at all. How to I prevent them from showing up…
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Purpose & Scope: Spitfire stores all of your uploaded and scanned files in SQL Server and it is capable of storing multiple versions…
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Question: How do I remove someone from the document route? Answer: If the Document is still in Seq 1, then…
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Question: How do projects get added to my Project List? Answer: A project becomes available on the Project List part…
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Purpose & Scope: How do I import Pay Applications from my ‘old‘ system into Spitfire in preparation for Go-Live? Procedure:…
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Question: How can I include a Commitment on my project that should not export to Microsoft Dynamics SL? Answer: Create…
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Question: What rights to the SQL Server are required by ICTool? Answer: By far, the easiest way to satisfy the…
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Summary: Fields Available as input to Executive Dashboard calculations: rv_eac_amt Revenue current budget amount rv_bud_amt Revenue original budget amount rv_act_amt…
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