Copying Addr and Incl/Excl Info to New Copied Documents


When I copy a document (using the Copy Doc option), I am able to indicate if I want to copy the document’s Items and Route. However, there is no way to indicate that I want to copy address, inclusions or exclusions. Is there any way to copy the rows from the Addr and Incl/Excl tabs?


While the Copy Doc dialog does not allow you to copy the Addr and Incl/Excl tabs on a document by document basis, certain DocCopyConfig rules do allow you to always copy the Addr and Incl/Excl tabs on specified Doc types. You can add and edit rules through the Rules Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard.

DocCopyConfig Rules:

  • AddrFilter
    • Use the AddrFilter rule with a result value of TRUE to indicate that rows from all of the Address types on the Addr tab should be copied whenever a document of the specified Doc type is copied.
    • You can also use Boolean expressions that reference fields in the xsfDocAddr table in order to be more specific about which Address types should be copied. For example, to copy only Site addresses (which are identified through the code S in the AddrType code set), enter AddrType=’S’ as the result value:
  • IXFilter
      • Use the IXFilter rule with a result value of TRUE to indicate that all rows in the Incl/Excl tab should be copied whenever a document of the specified Doc type is copied:
      • You can also use Boolean expressions that reference fields in the xsfInclusion table in order to be more specific about which Incl/Excl types should be copied. For example, to copy only exclusions and legal attachments (which are identified through the codes E and A in the InclusionType code set), enter InclusionType in (‘E’, ‘A’) as the result value.

For help with other Boolean expressions, contact Support!