KBA-01065: What is the purpose of the SiteMode tag in TaskConfig.xml?


What is the purpose of the <SiteMode> tag in the sfATC TaskConfig.xml file?


This tag defines how the task is distributed across sites:

  • C – Common task, applies to all sites whenever it is run
  • Q – Queue task per site: when the task schedule fires, an event is enqued for each site. The task will run for the site as soon as the queue allows
  • T – Turn per site: when the task schedule fires, it runs for the next active site in the site list.  Each site takes a turn.  If there are 3 sites, the task applies to the site every third scheduled run.
  • N – Not Applicable; used for non scheduled tasks.

KBA-01065;  Last updated: November 16, 2016 at 9:22 am;