KBA-01351: Restoring a Spitfire database over another Spitfire database (when not integrated to Dynamics)

Purpose & Scope:

How to refresh a Test Spitfire database from a Live Spitfire database when not integrated to Microsoft Dynamics SL.


Steps 1 – 2 are completed from SQL Server Management Studio.

  1. Create a complete backup of your Live Spitfire databases. Remember that there are two databases, typically called SpitfireDocSys and SpitfireExtSys.  (Database names may vary at your site). Some sites share one SpitfireExtSys for multiple *DocSys, otherwise backup and restore the pair as a set..
  2. Restore the Live backups over your Test Spitfire databases.  Remember that there are two databases, typically called TestSpitfireDocSys and TestSpitfireExtSys.  (Database names may vary at your site). Unless you are sharing SpitfireExtSys, both must be restored.
    Note: Be sure to change the names (and path) of the physical files to ensure the backup is being restored to the correct physical files.
  3. Optional but recommended, use a SQL script to
    1. Obfuscate email addresses
    2. set SQL logging to SIMPLE (not full)

Steps 4-6 are completed from the Spitfire Configuration Tool (ICTool)

  1. Open the Spitfire Configuration Tool (ICTool.exe).
  2. If you have multiple Spitfire sites, be sure to open the correct Configuration file for your Test site: use File | Open.
  3. On the SQL tab, be sure that the database names are correct for your Test Site and that the green check mark appears behind each of the databases.
  4. On the Finish tab, click the Publish Configuration button. Spitfire will create the Spitfire and SpitfireRO logins with the correct SIDs and update all the views and stored procedures as appropriate.

KBA-01351; Last updated: February 20, 2018 at 15:07 pm;
Keywords:  restore, database, refresh, SQL, backup