KBA-01394: Overview of the EMailText rules


The EmailText rules configure what is included in outbound emails generated by the system. You should also discuss email body templates (created in Microsoft Word) with your implementation specialist.

The EmailText rule group is found in the Rules Maintenance tool on the System Admin Dashboard. Each rule in the group consists of a rule name, a filter value (which can be blank) and a result value.

Filter Values:

Any Doc type

The EmailText rules accept a Doc type (as defined in the Doc Types tool and appearing on the filter drop-down) as the filter value.

Result Values:


Some EmailText rules are enabled and disabled through a checkbox in the result value, for example:

checkbox result value

Any text

Most EmailText rules accept any text as the result value. Note: there is a 196-character limit in the result value field. If your text is longer than 196 characters, you will need to

  • Split your text into smaller segments, each of any length up to 194 characters,
  • Append $+ to the end of each segment, except the last one,
  • Add a rule row for each segment. These rules should have names that indicate they are a continuation of the first rule, for example: Introduction, Introduction.01, Introduction.02, etc.

The result value text can include the following placeholders (unless otherwise indicated in the rule descriptions).

Bookmark-style for fields in the Document Header, Details tab and Notes tab.

Some examples:

  • [DocHeader_DocNo] = document number.
  • [DV_DocHeader_DocTypeKey] = document’s Doc type.
  • [DM_DocHeader_Project] = masked Project ID.
  • [DV_DocHeader_Project] = description of the Project.
  • [DocHeader_Title] = document title or description.
  • [DocRevision_Notes] = the first Notes field in the document.
  • [DocRevision_NoteA] = the second Notes field in the document.
  • [DocRevision_NoteB] = the third Notes field in the document.
  • [DocRevision_NoteEML] = the Message field in the Message tab of the document.
  • [qYourAlias_YourField]  = requires QueryConfig rules
  • $$AREA$$ = the Area field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$CLOSED$$ = the date the document was closed.
  • $$DIVISIONID$$ = the Division ID field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$DOCDATE$$ = the Date field on the document header.
  • $$DOCNO$$ = the Doc# field on the document header.
  • $$DOCTYPE$$ = the document’s Doc type.
  • $$DUE$$ = the Due date field on the document header.
  • $$DURATION$$ = the Duration field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$EXTERNALDOCNO$$ = the External field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$LOCATION$$ = the Location field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$NUMTOFORWARD$$ = the No. To Fwd field on the Msg/Email tab of the document.
  • $$NUMTOSEND$$ = the No. To Send field on the Msg/Email tab of the document.
  • $$P.PROJECT$$ = the word Project if there is a Project ID.
  • $$PAYCONTROL$$ = the Pay Control field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$PAYITEMNUMBER$$ = The Pay Item # field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$PROBABILITY$$ = the % Prob field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$PROJECT$$ = the Project ID.
  • $$PROJECTNAME$$ – the Project name.
  • $$REV.NOTEEML$$ = the Message field on the Msg/Email tab of the document.
  • $$SECTION$$ = the Section field on the Details tab of the document.
  • $$SENTWHY$$ = the word Routed or CC’d depending on the routee’s route status.
  • $$SIGNOFF$$ = the Approved date on the document header.
  • $$SITEURL$$ – the HTTP URL for the site.
  • $$SOURCE$$ = the Source field on the document header.
  • $$SOURCEDATE$$ = the Source date on the document header.
  • $$SOURCEDOCNO$$ = the Source# field on the document header.
  • $$SUBCONTRACT$$ = The Commitment/Subcontract field on the document header.
  • $$TITLE$$ = the Title/Description of the document.
  • $$TO.DUE$$ = the Due date for the route.
  • $$TO.REQUEST$$ = the Instructions field for the routee.
  • $$TO.NOTE$$ = the Notes field for the routee.



[V2021+] Specifies (in the result value) whether ATC should send emails “on behalf of” the appropriate person designated by the route.    For this rule to matter, RouteConfig | NotOnBehalfOf must also be set.

  • checked = Yes (default).
  • unchecked = No. Emails will be plainly sent by ATC.


[V2021+] Specifies (in the result value) the name for outbound emails sent without Sender Aliasing (see above).  Default is Project Management


Specifies (in the result value) how direct inbound email that is not a reply to a document route should be handled.

  • No  = never attach the email to the Doc type specified in the filter and attach the email to a new Correspondence doc instead.
  • Yes = allow the email to be attached to a new document of the specified Doc type, if appropriate. See KBA-01532.
  • Smart = attach email to an existing open or recently closed document; otherwise attach email to a new Correspondence doc (default).  See DirectInboundClosedHours below for the window that defines “recently closed.”


Specifies (in the result value) the number of hours after a document was set to a closed status that direct inbound email will still be attached to the document in Smart mode (see DirectInbound rule above). The default is 18 hours.


Specifies (in the result value) the email address (who@domain.com) to be sent notices about email processing issues for the given Doc type. There is no default. The email specified must match the email address of an active contact in the system.


Specifies (in the result value) the format used when echoing the route response text into the field specified by the ResponseEchoTo rule (below). The default result value, which creates a pre-pended flow of responses, is \nFrom: {1}\nReceived: {0}\n\n{3}\n\-{2} where

  • {0} = the date and time the addition was recorded.
  • {1} = the contributor’s name.
  • {2} = the prior contents (history text).
  • {3} = the new response text.
  • \n = a new line.
  • \- = a separator line.


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the email that is sent when a Via Email routee replies to an email. The default is Your affirmative response has been noted.  Also, the Email From person on the document will get a BCC of this email if  the document has a high enough priority as compared to the person’s “priority over” notification setting (on the Contact Details Notification tab) and the Forward Inbound Emails option is not on for the Doc type.


Specifies (in the result value) the content on the email  that is sent when a Via Email – CC’d routee replies to an email. The default is Your affirmative response has been noted. Also, the Email From person on the document will get a BCC of this email if the document has a high enough priority as compared to the person’s “priority over” notification setting (on the Contact Details Notification tab) and the Forward Inbound Emails option is not on for the Doc type.


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the email that is sent when a Via Email – CC’d routee replies to an email with “Reply: Hold”. The default is Your response has been noted, but the document cannot be held by you since you only received a courtesy copy. (See KBA-01408 for more information about email reply processing.)


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the email that is sent when a Via Email – CC’d routee replies to an email with “Reply:Rejected”. The default is Your negative response has been recorded. (See KBA-01408 for more information about email reply processing.)


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the email that is sent when a Via Email routee replies to an email with “Reply:Hold”. The default is You are holding the document for further action. (See KBA-01408 for more information about email reply processing.)


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email did not include the entire Spitfire header. The default is The message did not include the internal routing header. (See also the IERRejectIntro rule below.)


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email did not include the Spitfire Header. For example, this could be an unsolicited email instead of a reply. The default is The message did not include the internal document ID header. (See also the IERRejectIntro rule below.)


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the email that is sent when a Via email routee replies to an email with “Reply:Rejected”. The default is Your negative response has been recorded. (See KBA-01408 for more information about email reply processing.)


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the first paragraph of the inbound email response that is sent when the system cannot process an inbound message. The default is Your message could not be processed by our automated system. Please resent your message to an appropriate individual for manual review.

  • 0 = disable this message.


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when a user replies without an explicit REPLY directive OR when direct inbound email is unsolicited. The default is Your email message has been added to the document and the document has been sent on. (We recommend you change the message for Doc types that receive unsolicited inbound email.)

  • 0 = disable this message.


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email included the Spitfire header, but the data in the header was malformed. The default is The message internal document id header was malformed: $$ where the $$ is replaced by the data that was recovered from the header.  (See also the IERRejectIntro rule above.)


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email indicated a routing that does not exist. The default is Your message about {0} cannot be accepted. You are not (or no longer are) included in the document routing.  The {0} is replaced by the document title if one was included. (See also the IERRejectIntro rule above.)


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email included the Spitfire header, but the routing data in the header was malformed. The default is The message internal route id header was malformed:$$. The $$ is replaced by the malformed data that was recovered from the header. (See also the IERRejectIntro rule above.)


Specifies (in the result value) the inbound email response that is sent when the inbound email indicated a routing that has already been responded to more than a day ago. (The system accepts additional responses for up to 24 hours.) The default is This email thread is no longer being processed automatically. Please ensure that you send (or have sent) it to a person directly! FYI: This thread about {0} was completed on {1}.. {0} is replaced by the document title and {1} is replaced by the original date, if those are included. (See KBA-01408 for more information about email reply processing.)


Indicates the email alias that should be treated as the email address specified in the the result value. The email from a Contact’s Details should be used in the result value and the second email address should be included in the rule name.  For example, if Chris Demo’s email is listed as cdemo@contoso.com in Contacts, the rule might be InAliasOf:cdemo@gmail.com = cdemo@contoso.com.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the message added to the bottom of an outbound email should include a link that can be used to send files back to be attached to the document. See the LinkToSendFilesFormat rule below.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) the message added at the top of a resent email message. The default is Please Note: This is a resend of a prior email that was original sent {1:d} at {1:t}. The prior email is also included in PDF format where {0} (not shown in the default) is replaced by the attachment name, {1:d} is replaced by the original send date, and {1:t} is replaced by the original send time.


Specifies (in the result value) how the link to the downloadable content is placed in the outbound message. The default is {0} {1} where {0} is replaced by the LinkToContentMsg rule result (below) and {1} is replaced by the anchor tag, including the LinkToContentTag rule result (below). Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the link format for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToContentFormat result value. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message added at the bottom of an outbound email message to provide the URL to the downloadable content. The default is Download the {0} file{1}, approximately {2:N1}MB where {0} is replaced by the number of attached output files (which can include transmittal template, report, and document attachments), {1} is replaced by the letter s if the number of attachments is greater than one, and {2:N1} is replaced by the size of the download in MB. This rule is ignored if LinkToContentFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToContentMsg result value. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for the URL to the downloadable content. The default is using this link. This rule is ignored if LinkToContentFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the HTML attributes inside the anchor element for the URL to the downloadable content. The default is empty. This rule is ignored if LinkToContentFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.  See possible attributes in your favorite HTML5 reference, for example here.  Example: style=’font-family: verdana;font-size: 1.1ex;’   Please pay attention to simple quotes and punctuation (colons and semicolons).


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToContentTag result value. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDownloadLink rule.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) how the link to the Spitfire document is placed in the outbound message. The default is {0} {1} where {0} is replaced by the LinkToDocMsg rule result (below) and {1} is replaced by the anchor tag, including the LinkToDocTag rule result (below). Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.

0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the link format for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToDocFormat result value (above). Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message added at the bottom of an outbound email message to provide the link to the Spitfire document. The default is Open this document. You can include placeholders in your message where {0} will be replaced by the Document title; {1} will be replaced by the Doc number; and {2} will be replaced by the document’s project ID. This rule is ignored if LinkToDocFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToDocMsg result value (above). Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for the URL to the Spitfire document. The default is online. This rule is ignored if LinkToDocFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the HTML attributes inside the anchor element for the URL to the Spitfire document. The default is empty. This rule is ignored if LinkToDocFormat (above) = 0. Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.  See possible attributes in your favorite HTML5 reference, for example here.  Example: style=’font-family: verdana;font-size: 1.1ex;’   Please pay attention to simple quotes and punctuation (colons and semicolons).


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToDocTag result value (above). Note: this rule depends on the RouteConfig | SendDocLink rule.


Specifies (in the result value) how the link to the Response Wizard is placed in the outbound message. The default for most Doc types is {0} {1} where {0} is replaced by the LinkToRespondMsg rule result (below) and {1} is replaced by the LinkToRespondTag rule result (below).

  • 0 = disable this rule (default for Vendor Notification doc).


Specifies (in the result value) the format for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToRespondFormat result value.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message added at the bottom of an outbound email message to provide the URL to respond via a web browser. The default is You may record your response by replying to this email and/or by (usually followed by the LinkToRespondTag text). This rule is ignored if LinkToRespondFormat = 0.


Specifies (in the result value) the message for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToRespondMsg result value.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for the URL to the Response Wizard. The default is using this link. This rule is ignored if LinkToRespondFormat (above) = 0.


Specifies (in the result value) the HTML attributes inside the anchor element for the URL to the Spitfire Response Wizard. The default is empty. This rule is ignored if LinkToRespondFormat (above) = 0.  See  LinkToDocTagAttributes (above) for an example.


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToRespondTag result value.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) how the link to send files is placed in the outbound message. The default is {0} {1} where {0} is replaced by the LinkToSendFilesMsg rule result (below) and {1} is replaced by the anchor tag, including the LinkToSendFilesTag rule result (below).

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the format for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToSendFilesFormat result value.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message added to the bottom of an outbound email that provides the URL to send files. The default is Send files to this document. This rule is ignored if LinkToSendFilesFormat = 0.


Specifies (in the result value) the message for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToSendFilesMsg result value.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the anchor text for the URL to send files. The default is using this link. This rule is ignored if LinkToSendFilesFormat = 0.


Specifies (in the result value) the HTML attributes inside the anchor element for the URL to send files. The default is empty. This rule is ignored if LinkToSendFilesFormat (above) = 0.  See  LinkToDocTagAttributes (above) for an example.


Specifies (in the result value) the text for CC’d routees that overrides the LinkToSendFilesTag result value.

  •  0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether notifications about inbound emails should be forwarded to the current “email from” sender. To change the default notification levels for all doc types, leave the filter value blank.  The email sent includes a copy of the inbound email, without pictures or attachments. Individuals can override this default by changing the Forward Inbound Emails option on the Contact Notification tab.  [See also RouteConfig | CCOnBehalfOf ].

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) the content of the outbound notification message. This message isintended to be brief and notify the recipient that there is a document for him/her in Spitfire’s Inbox. The result value can include $$-style placeholders and bookmark-style placeholders and simple HTML formatting (in V2020+). The default is $$PROJECT$$ $$DOCTYPE$$ $$TITLE$$ $$DOCNO$$ requires your attention. (See the section Result Values above.)  An example using HTML would be $$PROJECT$$ <i> $$DOCTYPE$$ </i> $$TITLE$$ $$DOCNO$$  requires your attention.  Note that HTML markup must be entered only on the Result Value field and not the pop-up editor for the field.


Specifies (in the result value) the default notification priority for non-user Contacts (by Doc type). Priority levels on documents determine when email notifications are sent to Contacts. To change the default notification levels for all doc types, leave the filter value blank. Default notification levels can be further configured through the Notification tab on the Contact Detail window.  [See also NotifyUserOver, below].

  • 1 = Never send a notification.
  • 3 = Send notifications for Urgent documents only.
  • 5 = Send notifications for High and Urgent documents only (default).
  • 7 = Send notifications for Medium, High, and Urgent documents only.
  • 9 = Send notifications for Low, Medium, High, and Urgent documents only.
  • 11 = Send notifications for all documents (including FYI).


Specifies (in the result value) the default notification priority for system users.  Priority levels on documents determine when email notifications are sent to users. To change the default notification levels for all doc types, leave the filter value blank. Default notification levels can be further configured through the Notification tab on the Contact Detail window. [See also NotifyOver, above]

  • 1 = Never send a notification.
  • 3 = Send notifications for Urgent documents only.
  • 5 = Send notifications for High and Urgent documents only (default).
  • 7 = Send notifications for Medium, High, and Urgent documents only.
  • 9 = Send notifications for Low, Medium, High, and Urgent documents only.
  • 11 = Send notifications for all documents (including FYI).


Specifies (in the result value) the subject of the outbound notification message. This message is in plain text and intended to be brief. The result value can include $$-style placeholders, but not bookmark-style placeholders or any formatting. The default is Inbox Notification: $$PROJECT$$ $$TITLE$$ requires your attention. (See the section Result Values above.)


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the message added to the bottom of an outbound email should include the reply tracking keys in clear (visible) text near the bottom of the message.

  • unchecked = No.
  • checked = Yes (default; requires ICTool be configured to enable this feature.)


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether the outbound messages includes the key for the source document in an SMTP header.

  • unchecked = No (this allows the specified document type to feed a reply to another doc type via the subject)
  • checked = Yes.  (default; requires ICTool be configured for inbound email)


Specifies (in the result value) the informative message at the bottom of an outbound email that instructs the recipient how to reply. The default is Your reply will be processed by the Spitfire workflow engine: see $$ATCPopHelpLink$$ for how to reply. The $$ATCPopHelpLink$$ placeholder is replaced with the URL of the web page specified in ICTool.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the informative message for CC’d routees that overrides the ReplyTip result value. The placeholder $$$$ can be used to mean “use the result value of the standard ReplyTip rule.”

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the informative message for “pending any” (grouped) routees that overrides the ReplyTip result value. The placeholder $$$$ can be used to mean “use the result value of the standard ReplyTip rule.”

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether outbound emails for the corresponding Doc type should include the request for a read receipt from the user when the user first opens the email. If this feature is turned on, and the user acknowledges the email, the view date will be set on the recipient’s route row in Spitfire. Enabling this rule also enables delivery notification for those servers that support that option. Note: this feature is not very reliable and only somewhat supported by email applications/services; therefore, no one should rely on the read receipt.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.


Specifies (in the result value) which field on the Notes tab on a document will be populated with the contents of the route Rsp field. (See also the EchoFormat rule above.)   Note that responses on NO ACTION routes are ignored by this rule.  Only one route response can be echoed per save.

  • 0 = copy nothing to the document (default for most Doc types).
  • Notes = copy the Rsp field to the top note field.
  • NoteA = copy the Rsp field to the middle note field.
  • NoteB = copy the Rsp field to the bottom note field (default for RFI Doc type).
  • NoteEML = copy the Rsp field to the message note field on the Message (Email) tab.
  • csNote = copy the Rsp field to the optional custom note field on the details tab


Specifies (in the result value) the message that will appear in the body of outbound email. The default is $$P.PROJECT$$ $$PROJECT$$ $$PROJECTNAME$$, $$DOCTYPE$$ #$$DOCNO$$: $$TITLE$$ has been $$SENTWHY$$ to you and requires your attention $$TO.DUE$$. \?$$REV.NOTEEML$$\? $$TO.REQUEST$$ (Bookmark style substitution is also supported.  See the Result Values section above.) Note: when an Email Body template is available, the contents of the Email Body template replace this rule.


Specifies (in the result value) the message for CC’d routees that overrides the RoutedMsg result value. The default is also $$P.PROJECT$$ $$PROJECT$$ $$PROJECTNAME$$, $$DOCTYPE$$ #$$DOCNO$$: $$TITLE$$ has been $$SENTWHY$$ to you and requires your attention $$TO.DUE$$. $$TO.REQUEST$$.

  • 0 = disable this rule.


Specifies (in the result value ) the message for “pending any” (grouped) routees that overrides the RoutedMsg result value.


Specifies (in the result value) the subject line for outbound email. The result value cannot be more than 78 characters after resolving placeholders.  Plain text, no formatting. Default is $$P.PROJECT$$ $$PROJECT$$ $$PROJECTNAME$$, $$DOCTYPE$$ #$$DOCNO$$: $$TITLE$$ (Bookmark style substitution is also supported.  See the Result Values section above.)


Specifies (in the result value) the email notification to be sent to the current document’s “reply to” designee when someone replies using the Response Wizard. The default is {0} has responded to the document and the document has been sent on where {0} is replaced by the responder’s name. Note: if the RouteConfig | WizardNotification rule is disabled (unchecked), this rule will be ignored.


Specifies (in the result value) the subject for the email notification to be sent to the current document’s Email From (“reply to”) designee when someone replies using the Response Wizard. The default is Processed: Re: {0}  where {0} is replaced by the Documents Title. Note: if the RouteConfig | WizardNotification rule is disabled (unchecked), this rule will be ignored.


Specifies (in the result value) the email confirmation to be sent when a user replies using the Response Wizard. The default is Your message has been added to the document and the document has been sent on.


Specifies (in the result value) the email subject used for both confirmation and notification emails sent by the Response Wizard. The default is Processed: {0} where {0} is replaced by the document title.


Specifies (in the result value) the signature block to go at the bottom of outgoing messages. The default is {0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{1} where

  • {0} = the sender name (e.g., John Smith)
  • {1} = a line break
  • {2} = the sender title (e.g., Project Manager); a line break is automatically added if this is not empty
  • {3} = the sender company or, if no company, the name again; a line break is automatically added if this is not empty
  • {4} = the sender phone number; a line break is automatically added if this is not empty
  • 0 = disable this rule (default for Notification and Vendor Notification Doc types).


Specifies (in the result value) the new DocStatus code (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) to be assigned to a document when an inbound email is processed and attached to that document.


Specifies (in the result value) the new DocStatus code (as defined in the Code Maintenance tool) to be assigned to a document when an inbound email is processed and attached to that document and the document currently has the DocStatus specified in the rule. For example, StatusMap:C = RB might mean “change the status to ResponseBack if the status is currently Closed.”


Specifies (in the result value checkbox) whether outbound emails for the corresponding Doc type should be sent from the email address specified for the document Division in the Company Division tool (on the System Admin Dashboard).  The default is to use the globally configured email address. Note that inbound email is only monitored on one address, so if this feature is used, all email must still be forwarded (or aliased) to the monitored address.

  • unchecked = No (default).
  • checked = Yes.

Additional Comments:

KBA-01394; Last updated: March 15, 2023 at 13:34 pm; green text = new
Keywords:  outbound email format;e-mail