KBA-01537: AP Check Format Change for Joint Checks from Spitfire Pay Requests

Purpose & Scope:

In order for the joint Pay function to work within Spitfire Subcontract Pay Requests, the AP Check format(s) needs to be adjusted in Microsoft Dynamics SL:

  • Join the Project Controller Payment Request Header table: PJPAYHDR
  • Update the print control formula for the Vendor Name: @PrtName


  1. Open Crystal Reports 10 for Dynamics.
  2. Open AP Check report \\SL\Usr_Rpts\03620S.rpt.
  3. Select Database then Database Expert.
  4. Connect to the Dynamics App Database with appropriate credentials.
  5. Add the PJPAYHDR table.
  6. Ensure that there are only two (2) joins to the APDoc2 table.
    1. All other miscellaneous joins should be deleted (removed).
    2. Join on {APDoc2.RefNbe} = {PjPayHdr.RefNbr} & {APDoc2.VendID} = {PjPayHdr.VendID}
    3. These should be LEFT OUTER JOINS.
  7. Once the Table is appropriately added to the report and joined to the existing data set:
    1. Save the Crystal Report as is…  (Typically with a new suffix) i.e.: 03620S.rpt to 03620S2.rpt.
    2. Update the existing Name Print Formula (@prtName) to include the new search inside pPjPayHdr (User1 + User2)
  8. Highlight @PrtName, and select EDIT or use the pencil on the menu.
  9. Insert the following formula:
    If {PjPayHdr.User1} = ‘’ then 
        NAMEFLIP( {Vendor.RemitName} )

        Trim( {PjPayHdr.User1})+Trim( {PjPayHdr.User2} )

  10. Save and Close your Crystal Reports.
  11. Update Microsoft Dynamics SL – Report Control Maintenance as needed with the new Report Format.

Additional Comments:

NOTE: This formula may run faster if you check for the {APDoc.SubContract} field = ” first. See below.
If {PjPayHdr.Subcontract} = ‘’
         Then NAMEFLIP( {Vendor.RemitName}
         If {PjPayHdr.Subcontract} <> ‘’ and {PjPayHdr.User1} <> ‘’
             Then Trim( {PjPayHdr.User1})+Trim( {PjPayHdr.User2} )
             NAMEFLIP( {Vendor.RemitName}
Applies to Microsoft Dynamics SL 6.5, 7.x, 2011KBA-01537; Last updated: October 17, 2016 at 13:14 pmKeywords:  Dynamics SL Printing Checks

KBA-01537; Last updated: October 17, 2016 at 13:14 pm