The Workflow Scripts tool on the System Admin Dashboard organizes ATC scripts to be used in automatic workflow in the system. Scripts added through this tool are considered part of a workflow script library. For a list of related How-To KBAs, see ATC Scripts and Automatic Workflow.
After Setup:
Once workflow scripts have been added to the workflow script library, they can be called through predefined routes or manually entered routes on a document. The scripts can also be triggered by certain actions (saving, changing the document status) on a document if these events have been established.
Workflow Scripts Part:
When you select the Workflow Scripts tool on the System Admin Dashboard, the Workflow Scripts part (shown above) appears:
- Icons: icons to add a new script, expand the script, delete the script and open the ATC command text editor.
- Workflow Script Name: the name you give your script.
- Script at a Glance: the beginning of the script once you have saved one.
- Purpose: any note you write to indicate the purpose of the script.
- Runs: the number of times this workflow has run (been triggered, used) since the web application started today.
- Avg MS: the average time the script has taken to run in milliseconds (where 1000 ms = 1 minute). Resets each time the web application starts.
- Active: whether or not the script is currently active (eligible to run).
- Script Name: Type all or part of the name of a workflow script name to find the one(s) you want.
- Script Like: Type part of the text within the script to find the workflow script(s) with that text.
- Doc Type: Select the Doc type to find workflow scripts that are mapped to that Doc type.
Events for Workflow Script:
When you click the icon to expand a workflow script, its Events for Workflow Script part appears. Note: events are not required for workflow scripts. Use them only when you want to map a workflow script to a particular action on a document.
- Icon: icon to add an event.
- Doc Type: [required] the document type to trigger the workflow script when the indicated event occurs.
- Trigger When: the event that will trigger the workflow script.
- Sequence: a number indicating the order that events should be performed.
- Stop: whether (checked) or not (unchecked) sfPMS should stop performing other matching events with higher sequences for the Doc type.
- Dist: whether or not the script event mapping is distributed by Spitfire.
- Active: whether or not the script is currently active.
KBA-01777; Last updated: January 27, 2020 at 10:48 am