KBA-01858: Disconnecting Inactive Users from the System


Some of our users forget to log out when they are done using Spitfire, and so the concurrent Active user count is higher than it should be. Is there a way to know who has been inactive in Spitfire the longest, and is there a way to “bump” them off the system?


Yes, in V23+ Power UX. The Diagnostics page (available usually only to System Admins) includes an Active Users tab, which lists all users who are currently logged into your site.  This Active Users grid indicates when each user logged in, when they last requested something from the system and approximately how long they have been active/inactive.

If you click on the symbol at the end of the time in the At column, the legend above will open. It explains which symbols indicate who is still actively using Spitfire and who has been quiet for 11 – 35.55 minutes and longer. Once a user has been quiet for over 35.55 minutes, that user is designated as “inactive.”

To disconnect one person:

  1. Click on the row for that person.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu at the end of the row and select Flush User.

To disconnect all Inactive Users:

  1. Select Prune All Inactive Users from the drop-down menu.

Note: when a site has reached its concurrent user limit and another user wants to log in, Spitfire will see if there are inactive users to prune. If there are, those users will be pruned automatically, allowing room for a new user to log in.  The option above enables System Admins, who know already that someone has stopped using Spitfire, to disconnect users who have not reached the “inactive” designation yet.


KBA-01858; Last updated: July 23, 2024 at 8:27 am