Type Column in BFA Export Files
Question: I use the Export option in BFA to get a copy of my budget rows. Sometimes my export includes…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: I use the Export option in BFA to get a copy of my budget rows. Sometimes my export includes…
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Question: When I am in the Budget Entries window for a Change Order Item (CI), can there be a way…
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Question: I set up some personal settings for my BFA workbook that overrode the site settings established for my company….
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Did You Know? As mentioned in a previous newsletter article, the BFA workbook allows you to define up to fifteen…
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Question: Sometimes I notice that my Spitfire project amounts (in Cost Analysis Detail or BFA for example) do not match…
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Did You Know? The Budget/Forecast/Analysis (BFA) workbook offers 15 user-defined columns for information not already displayed through system-defined columns. If…
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You Asked For It: I think it is great that BFA will display a little triangle on Cost Code rows…
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Did You Know? Because users sometimes have to create a new BFA snapshot after user data has already been entered…
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Question: In BFA, we need to see totals for our cost codes by divisions (all cost codes that start with…
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Question: Can I prevent certain users from seeing revenue data in the BFA workbook and the Cost Analysis Detail part…
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